feeling like floating in bed

Posted on: January 16, 2021 Posted by: Comments: 0

feeling like floating in bed

Very annoying. Then when I went to the park, everyone runs in a circle. Tapping your hand during a floaty time to just keep you in the body as you notice the sensation is very helpful, and can be done anywhere. have rich, spicy or fatty foods . When that didn’t happen, I faced the idea that I may have this for the rest of my life. Since these nerves are depressed by poison in poison berries, your body links this up with vomiting, which is why ppl vomit on roller-coaster inner-ear stimulation. To your question, it does not matter if you are not experiencing the anxiety everyday and you get the dizziness – the anxiety has already manifested itself within you and is capable of acting on its own without you even feeling it – it’s unconscious. Dizzyignas,sorry to hear that.me too ive never done drugs or went on ships or flights.i do know i have low testosterone below the level n ive also have anxiety depression n stress..i stress over nothing..i started feeling like this after i got really stressd out…its weird cause some people in the mdds blogs say that you can also get it by not getting on a ship or pl@ne..its wei4d cause all the symptoms match.. From MY EXPERIENCE, they may be considered useful for a short period of time to get you feeling grounded again and to work on getting used to the sensation. This feeling lasted 4 hours. The sensation you describe “feels as if my eyes are just watching what im doing, i feel like my body is just on auto-pilot” is depersonalization and its very common with anxiety. I am sorry I do not have the reason why it started and why it continues. It really is horrendous. Find a microscope and take a look and prove me wrong. I would have done anything to get rid of it up to that point and in doing so, I pushed myself well beyond what I was comfortable with. By the end of this year I will be tackling the tension and I expect the floating will improve to the point of going away. Learned it wasn’t vertigo or an inner ear infection. i was a daily smoker of marijuana for 7 years, and have been sober for two years, but still feel “floaty” all the time(i quit smoking because i felt too ungrounded). I just wanted to leave a quick post to say that Citalopram (Celexa) has been a huge help and has eliminated the vast majority of my floating symptoms. When one of those is not functioning, we have imbalance feeling or a rocking or swaying sensation because our brain gets confused. I ask you to consider thinking back to might what have triggered it to come back. ?and r u taking any medicine to reduce ur anxiety? At first it was weird, but I’ve gotten used to it to keep reoccurring (although it can be distracting at times). And an adrenal gland or thyroid support supplement. This is not the case however as I utterly immerse myself in the job, and whenever I feel that ‘rising’ I think that it will not physically stop me from doing my job so there was no point in worrying about it. Never spinning dizzy though. I think Meditation,Distraction,Physical exercise will definitely help in these situations. I definitely think it’s been triggered by my anxiety I would love to go back on to it but I want to fall pregnant and I don’t think it’s good for the baby. The first time I felt it I thought it was because I haven’t are anything.. And it lasted for a week I really was scared thought I was dying I’m actually feeling this way now! This was seriously impossible to me at the time, as it felt seriously physical and i was desperate to find answers. It has not returned since. And also thank you so much for sharing the post and your experiences with me and everyone who need this essentially, psychedelics/psychoactives/analysis of self, takes our etheric body out of our physical body and pushes it through the astral regions towards the spiritual realms (exerpienced each night in deep, dreamless sleep of the delta brain waves and deep, silent meditation) but we are stuck in the astral regions/4dimensional space(where feelings occur, as feelings are instantaneous, as is communication between cells and electrons and minds and biological fields) and this is where a lot of floating can occur i’ve noticed within myself, feeling floaty now going on seven years. I do not feel I will lose my balance as of right now. Hopefully with inner peace & God’s help my body & mind can feel normal again. So, I went and saw a psychologist and I was put on SSRIS for about 6 months – year. I have since gotten used to the sensation and have proven to myself time and again that it does not impact my balance. I have had the sensation for almost 8 years now and I want you to know Jon that though I am not cured from it, I do considered myself in recovery. I have never heard of cipramil but I am on a benzo (lorezapam) for my anxiety. I found my issue, I have a massive amount of Ochratoxin A in my brain. Without your post I would’ve been lost in the dark, unsure what to make of all of this and what to expect in the future. But for now this is me!! I monitor the comments on this post and there hasn’t been anyone who has reported similar symptoms to yours. What she says is that it appears that there is a very close link between the vestibular system ( balance, ect…) and the emotional parts of the brain. When did you’re start? Thank you!!! This keeps you from being slung around when you turn around. I am getting closer to finishing. This is a known side effect. My balance seems off, and I have success with Xanax. I always told the docs it feels like it’s in my body not my ears/head now with this sinus thing I know what it feels like to have it in your head! I have not heard of that. I do use homeopathic remedies to decrease the tension and the floating if I have sudden flare up. Is this my anxiety? After a run last Saturday the feeling has not gone away. Incredible!!!! Thank you for commenting. I am willing to test anything. I just want to send out real love and support to anyone else who is feeling this: you are not alone, things always get better! I too have experienced times where I thought I was going to pass out and that I have reconciled back to anxiety and initially it would seem like it would happen out of nowhere but when I reflected back on the moment, there was always some sort of trigger that was related to a fear I had. It’s not in my head it is real. Do keep in touch. I have been on a boat/ship only a handful of times but that’s how you feel when you step off. It causes severe anxiety, dizziness, sensitivity to heat and light, Brain fog, lightheadedness, fatigue, depression, also cognitive decline and a slew of other symptoms! I’ve also been given medications and now I’m so hypersensitive to every sensation. I get extra dizzy when it’s coming on, heavy head, neck ache and fatigue, also a increase of eye floaters/sparkles and light sensitivity. Like all of you, I’ve suffered from this condition for a while now and my ENT and I suspect it is due to an ATLAS SUBLUXATION. Being on one for over 6 years now and in the process of trying to get off it has been very difficult and I wish I was as well educated as you are before I started. It happened last night. I’ve been around the block on this floating thing… conventional medicine, alternative medicine, shamans, healers, conventional therapy, spiritual emergency, kundalini awakening, having access to all the comments on this post and the information provided by those of us who experience this… and though every one of these things got me closer to where I am today, nothing has resolved it. It is not working for me anymore and I refuse to take a larger dose. But after some time and after getting everything checked there was no other answer besides a mental issue for me. The ENT visit was uneventful. But I don’t know what to do with this floating and ground soft sensation I can’t take it anymore..if it’s Mdma drug did to me it mean that it’s permament or just long-term? I do agree with Ray in that engaging in activities that will induce the parasympathic nervous system will be beneficial so that you’re not always running on fight-or-flight. I have to say that for me, it all came down to anxiety. I am on an antidepressant and have been most of my life. She honestly looked at me like I was just nuts or something, which really pissed me off. Also, I feel like I can never correctly position my jaw or neck, or let them relax correctly. you stated that when you prayed you feel better so going through meditation and yoga will help certainly. Feeling disconnected from your body and surroundings, unable to focus and concentrate. I’m still looking into remedies but this article and advice was very helpful. And the reason why the feelings subside at night im thinking has to do with me being alot more CALM at night which in turn subsides my anxiety and my symptoms go away. You think you have some horrific disease that is altering your brain. It really takes a lot to keep things going inspite of struggling with it from so many years, I have also found that “tapping” helps. Anyway I took a pick of the portal after it appeared with an electric crackling noise. I don’t believe it anymore if you have it 24/7 for 5years it can’t be anxiety…I have it for 2years,and most of days I’m not anxious at all I’m more feeling sad because of this feeling,if I don’t have this sensation when I will not have depression also. I just today figured out how to kind of describe how I am feeling, enough to be able to google this sensation. I have yet to find what makes it worse/better, BUT I have noticed staying busy distracts the symptoms while sitting at work staring at a computer makes me think more about it. Mine is fairly constant however I notice it increases when I’m in anxiety/stress provoking situations which honestly doesn’t have to be much these days! Thank you for your concern, Colby. It became clear to me I had to do what I could to live with it and continue with my life. I’d like to know if I’m alone in that regards, I have had numerous tests as well but what keeps me going down the rabbit hole is I don’t get reprieve and it’s been 5 months. I also have had, at one time, the “weird” sensations that you have reported. I don’t recommend increasing your dose — that’s just what I have read about them. I also left the Catholic church and attended an interfaith, metaphysical church. Or if anyone here has been having these symptoms feel free to get in touch with me if no vet will test you for worms. I’m not saying the triggers are different, but more the nuances of the sensation itself. “I looked across at the TV, which I always leave on when I sleep,” she says. I found it wasn’t that bad to have my eyes tested. Maybe I will ask for my gp xanax or something because I heard it relieves symptoms even if I know that it’s not anxiety the cause. “If your symptoms are centered exclusively around the ear, and you want to wait it out, there’s probably no big danger in doing that,” says Rauch. Like I said, my intuition tells me that is spiritual… whatever spiritual means to you. Maybe to an ENT? Thank you so much for keeping us updated. That’s why I suggest doing it until as long as you feel comfortable. But it usually was gone after 4 days. It lasted 2-4 hours before I was overcome with despair and terror. I have almost made a 100% recovery. I work as a part time video editor. I also focus on eating low glycemic fruits and vegetables because I want to keep my blood sugar level. Keep your chin up. At this level of awareness, it is just enough to feel the floating sensation, but not enough to wake up or to gain control of the experience. I can understand how terrible your feeling is. it came to a point that i wanna end my life. There are also times when I try to talk or sing and my throat will get stuck. For ANYONE struggling with the symptoms mentioned above, I would highly suggest going to an ear specialist (NOT AND ENT) who can test for high inner ear fluid. It looks like something bad with brain or cerebellum..I feel like I’m taller or that I’m flying when I walking..and the thing that I’m not so anxious.. can it be from anxiety if I feel anxiety only one or two times in a month? He can’t explain what he means when he says his body feels like a feather it’s light… someone help please. It is over a year since I started to feel like I am floating/dizzy. I live in Australia. I couldn't move and my eyes were closed and i felt like i was floating as usual. Seriously faint. Weird thing is that the aliens took away the floating, yet for how long? I’m wondering if you would have the same results. NOW I know, it is caused from anxiety and these are real symptoms of anxiety, because they only come back when I am extremely stressed e.g.. knowing my mom is going to die soon. I take isoquercetrin or quercetrin for it and it helps the floating feeling. I know the floating sensation is the scariest thing I have ever experienced. I’m feeling the same way for 1 month now .. it’s really scary, Im currently in therapy to try and calm down this feeling. It means it’s for now. When it is up or down or in an upward direction (usually some sort of diagonal) I swear I can even feel the my body getting heavier and lighter in the moments that the direction changes, like on an elevator or carnival ride. It’s been likely due to a combination of things, but my situation has improved since I last posted here. Before I would’ve considered that rude of me to not have my eyes focused on the instructor (it’s a small class) but now I don’t care. We can only continue to keep an open-mind as to what may be the cause and try as many modalities as you feel comfortable with that you think may help with healing. My thoughts are with you, Bette. I know this feeling. Layla: I do have the feeling when I am lying on my side in bed. If for some reason you cant find a vet that is willing to do this for you feel free to contact me. i believe a lot of the issue is energetic, as western medicine knows little about the bodies energy systems existing on a dimension seperate than our flesh bodies, and the mind existing on an even more subtle dimension. I have affirmed that in Kundalini awakening, some do experience floating. I am flying home on weds and am getting scared of feeling like this on the plane. I do believe–and this is as much about maintaining my sanity as it is about finding meaning in such a terrible sensation–that the floating is a coping mechanism. My question for you: how did you get rid of this horrible feeling? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. My relative has a problem. When I have a bad vertigo episode, I get bad spins when I lay down and turn to either side. This occurred along with two tragedies that happened to me. After searching on the net I came across that Magnesium deficiency causes muscle twitches and took supplements that did not help much.Initially I was not uncomfortable using the computer but later I started feeling that my eyes started jumping and was feeling discomfort. And I can’t take this anymore. Now, imagine that you feel this way all the time, even without the boat. I have adjusted my life accordingly and realize as long as I am busy, I hardly notice it. This website and these posts are so encouraging. Sorry to be bothering you so much. Do you have sore/stiff/painful shoulder/neck/jaw muscles? It is such a strange feeling and I knew there had to be others out there with the same thing. I wanted to write this post because while all of the things I have done have not helped me completely we are all different and unique and perhaps my journey and appointments may help another person here. What I have learned over the years is that for me, it is a result of spiritual crisis/emergency and that anxiety is something that makes it worse, it makes anxiety worse, and that creates a viscous cycle. My anxiety has manifested in other parts of my body which made sense (stomach, chest), but this floating sensation made no sense to me. But on average, we think anxiety is the cause. I have suffered from migraines for many years and have mild degenerative disc disease in my neck and low back. I’ve had a few more episodes recently and reading your post has helped me understand what maybe happening with me. I went through a 7 year period when this was a nightly (and sometimes during the day too) occurrence. And I have come to realizing that focusing on things will divert myself from the floating, and I begun to look for anything to take my mind off the floating. Some designers use plexiglass to support the bed in place of a traditional platform or legs, adding to the feeling of floating. Another good way to ground is to eat protein. I just remembered I did have relief. x. I’m having all these floating problems have had doctors appointments everything has been fine. I appreciate you considering that the cause may be similar to what we with a floating sensation experience. Then I did more and more searching. – I’ve gotten tested for leaky gut and sibo Thanks for sharing this info, Kat. I believe this was the beginning of chronic derealization/depersonalition that still persists today, likely as part of anxiety. Feel free to reach out. There’s no cure it just eventually goes away. For me it is tied to the tension and pressure that is in my neck, shoulders and jaw. I have knocked over lights and curtains by the bed. In most cases floating dreams have a positive meaning. At the root, it is a sensation. Nope, you’re not crazy. I couldn’t feel the soles of my feet when walking or my mouth as it felt completely inexistant. I continue to have symptoms and fear they will return/worsen again in the future. All combinations and variations of the above are common. thanks Gwen that is some nice inspiration words i practice that everyday as anxiety causes alot of negativity and fear leading to obsessing or OCD which is some issues i am having with stay within your day. Weather you’ve got Ochratoxins or not. Question: I apologize if the subject of “Mal de Débarquement Syndrome (MdDS) or Disembark­ment Syndrome” has been discussed previously. I’m soooooo happy i found this thread. I would say 80% of what you said is similar to my case. I did have middle/upper back pressure prior to this floating feeling started. It is an inner perception… an inner sense of floating… obviously not an outer perception because you would SEE the room floating. Affected my balance also during standing and could be felt mostly when lying down (where it also bothered me least). It has been said to me that the floating sensation I experience could be part of a dissociative disorder. since I cannot completely trust my vestibular senses because of the sensation of floating. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, Jennifer. Fluidized bead floatation beds uses a loose porous sheet over a tub of siliconized glass beads. – bubble in my ears . I may have to mention this episode to my doctor. It was assumed with me that it was part of PTSD which is an anxiety disorder. I’m not 100% sure if this is my situation yet but it sure sound like what I’m experiencing My symptoms included almost all of the symptoms Trish mentioned above. Hi Kat, I had this symptom last year for 6 months and then again a year after. Much love, Trish. Practicing mindfulness is very important. Plz explain me desensitization.I don’t understand much. I don’t believe it is my ears. It’s so hard to describe! Could the cause have anything to do with the law of one, the lack of opportunity for light and telepathy? Two of her brothers killed themselves because of feeling this way a long long time ago when no one knew what to do. I’ve lost hope but I have just have to keep going. Since around Christmas I have noticed it is worse and all those awful memories of when I first had it come back. 1. when I lay down, I spin.. then it subsides and I can finally sleep. Which than causes anxiety coz it’s scary having all these symptoms and not knowing what the hell is going on with our body! each day is a challenge. After having that first attack, I was afraid of having more because I didn’t know what it was. Manu. Incredible!!!! I had my brain MRI, blood tests and I almost referred two neurologist, ENT and three ophthalmologist. But the there is a persistent complain from my father regarding the nerve sensation in the body. Please note that my seizure like states (which I call Kriyas) happen when I relax my body and then my body voluntarily spasms, moves, stretches, jolts, stiffens… and I get a tingling sensation throughout… not quite like your experiences but I thought I would mention it. (occasional) I run into walls and it feels like invisable water is slowly pulling me to shore and then back slightly. So you consult the Almighty Google again and you find a glimmer of hope that it may be caused by a Dissociative Disorder. Especially mindfulness meditation will get the anxiety under control. For me the key has been acceptance and desensitization and focusing on something else other than the floating. At this point, I know I cannot do without meds. To better understand depersonalization which is that floating feeling also watch the movie called NUMB with actor Matthew perry . I’m feeling the same 24/7 for 2years..Trish have it for 8years. Hi Brittany. This all changed about a month ago. Thank you for sharing with us, Shakira. Waking up with rapid heart beat. We all have our skeletons. – Robert Anton Wilson’s Prometheus Rising deals with reality construction, some people feel floating, in the old days they said were abducted by aliens / faeries / angels depending on which millennium. Hi trish, im new with these symptoms.. Do u still have them? I have this feeling constantly! My love to you both. I’ve been trying to stabilize myself in every way that I can in order to deal with it, and it has helped. (or preferably stop the feeling altogether!) And now that I feel more stable, deep thoughts are no longer the primary trigger, instead, it’s simply looking at the sky. Then I remembered I didn’t have breakfast and chucked it up to be low blood sugar. I cannot say they are the same but I can say that after reading everything that people have posted in the comments, the sensation is slightly different for everyone. Often when I feel floaty I almost feel like I’m lightly hallucinating, it really scares me maybe more than any of the other symptoms, Yes I have facebook. Even feeling pretty anxious and sucky right now, I wouldn’t take it back. My floating is either non-existent or very slight in the morning. They can feel so real that we wake up convinced that we just failed an important test. As Mrs Trish said, first of all you should visit a doc to do all of necessary tests from Blood tests to MRI and CT scan. I have found the cause of my floating anxiety. Please contact a FUNCTIONAL VESTIBULAR NEUROLIGIST if you have constant floating feeling, call the Cleveland Clinic if you have to. Please don’t take this as a projection of work. It can cause this exact sensation due to a misalignment of this piece of bone! My answer to this is that it is not a lasting solution. I too feel that I would know how the benzo does or does not effect the floating/vertigo by going off the benzo completely and I am slowly working to do that. I do daily meditations and chakra clearing and nothing helps. Can you help me with below so that I can request similar referrals from my family doctor Mostly, we all have different symptoms. Call me +27 783481174 we can support each other. She refers to dizziness/imbalance symptoms as “giddiness.”. Thank you so much for your comment. It makes me think that there must be something to this that we all share this. I’m sending my love and healing vibes to your mom. I will link your comment in my section in the blog post where I talk about possible causes and tips. What is that nasal spray called? Boy did I feel alone. I avoid being beside them and I don’t even like them behind me because I keep visualizing this horrible scenario where traffic slows down but the semi behind me can’t stop in time and crushes me between his truck and the car in front of me. You see the funny thing about trauma is that it may not manifest in something physical and/or mental until long after the event. The Cleveland Clinic if you would like to update on here a roller-coaster back. Keep you posted open to therapy and hypnosis to surface this out there who understand, this isnt all tests! Risk that energy work ) that this is a predominant sensation that followed me for my life and legs don. And effect, causation their heads were floating have brought my body experiencing many of my and... Sharing a bit concerned posting all his words here my bedroom fill with flashes of neon green this! 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