zebra wikipedia mk

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zebra wikipedia mk

Except for the mountain zebra, other species can roll over completely. Zebras live in Africa, south of the Sahara desert. Equus (Hippotigris)) podrod neparnoprstaša iz porodice konja.Njihovi najbliži srodnici su pravi konji (Equus (Equus)) i magarci (Equus (Asinus)).. Vrste i podvrste. Algemeen gezien zijn het erg sociale dieren.Zebra's leven met verschillende harems bijeen in een grotere kudde. These three groups are the only living members of the family Equidae. [8][28][89], In all species, excess males gather in bachelor groups. Zebroids are usually infertile and may suffer from dwarfism. [48] The quagga had brown and white stripes on the head and neck, brown upper parts and a white belly, tail and legs.[49]. [7], Zebras are classified in the genus Equus (known as equines) along with horses and asses. 2015. Zebras-de-grevy (e talvez também zebras-da-montanha) são, juntamente com jumentos e burros, em uma linhagem separada de outras linhagens da zebra. [112] Mountain zebras are protected in Mountain Zebra National Park, Karoo National Park and Goegap Nature Reserve in South Africa as well as Etosha and Namib-Naukluft Park in Namibia. Ezt onnan lehet tudni, hogy az állat bokájánál, orrán, sörényén és farkán fekete az alapszín. Klasipikasyon. [115], The quagga population was hunted by early Dutch settlers and later by Afrikaners to provide meat or for their skins. [28], Fights between males usually occur over mates and involve biting and kicking. [110][111][112] Civil wars in some countries have also caused declines in zebra populations. Mountain zebras number near 35,000 individuals and their population appears to be increasing. It soon became the subject of humour and satire, being referred to as "The Queen's Ass", and was the subject of an oil painting by George Stubbs in 1763. The quagga, a type of plains zebra, was driven to extinction in the 19th century. Several theories have been proposed for the function of these stripes, with most evidence supporting them as a form of protection from biting flies. A lion has to surprise a zebra within the first six seconds of breaking cover. Visual displays also incorporate the positions of the head, ears, and tail. Among females in a harem, a linear dominance hierarchy exists based on the time at which they join the group. The belly and legs are white when unstriped, but the muzzle is dark and the skin underneath the coat is uniformly black. [28], Zebras eat primarily grasses and sedges but may also consume bark, leaves, buds, fruits, and roots if their favoured foods are scarce. 16 Bände in 32 Teilbänden. Der lange Weg zur Freiheit ist der deutsche Titel der 1994 zuerst in den USA und in Großbritannien erschienenen Autobiografie (Long Walk to Freedom) von Nelson Mandela, dem jahrzehntelang inhaftierten Anti-Apartheid-Kämpfer, Symbolfigur der stärksten Freiheitsbewegung in Südafrika, Friedensnobelpreisträger und erstem schwarzen Präsidenten in der Geschichte Südafrikas. [37], Fertile hybrids have been reported in the wild between plains and Grévy's zebra. In 1417, a zebra was sent to the Yongle Emperor of China from Somalia as a gift for the Chinese people. Depending on your browser, you may also be able to use tools that allow you to search Wikipedia using bookmarklets.. [9], Attempts to domesticate zebras were largely unsuccessful. South Africa is found at the southernmost region of Africa, with a long coastline that reaches more than 2,500 km (1,553 mi) and along two oceans (the South Atlantic and the Indian).At 1,219,912 km 2 (471,011 sq mi), South Africa is the 25th-largest country in the world and is almost the size of Colombia. This greeting is usually performed among harem or territorial males or among bachelor males playing. С на германскиот се изговара [z] (како во "Zebra"), ако се наоѓа на почетокот на слогот (на пример во Sohn [zoːn]),или пак [s] (на пример: Bus [bʊs]). [41], Zebras are easily recognised by their bold black-and-white striping patterns. Die Entwicklung der Kernwaffentechnik begann mit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the Grévy's zebra as endangered, the mountain zebra as vulnerable and the plains zebra as near-threatened. †E. The most dominant males establish territories near watering holes, where more sexually receptive females gather. The zebra’s stripes arise from melanocytes (specialized skin cells) that selectively determine the pigmentation of the animal’s fur. Извор: www.iucnredlist.org; Аутор: Дозвола (Поновно коришћење ове датотеке) Лиценцирање. Zebra Grevy (Equus grevyi); Zebra de stepă (Equus quagga); Zebra de munte (Equus zebra). All zebras are dark-skinned animals. [97], In cultures outside of its range, the zebra has been thought of as a more exotic alternative to the horse; the comic book character Sheena, Queen of the Jungle, is depicted riding a zebra and explorer Osa Johnson was photographed riding one. developer(s): GTx, Merck & Co. Pharmacokinetic data Elimination half-life: 24 hours Identifiers A zorse is a cross between a zebra and a horse; a zonkey between a zebra and a donkey and a zoni between a zebra and a pony. The mountain zebra diverged from the other species around 1.75 mya and the plains and Grévy's zebra split around 1.5 mya. [106] However, zebras have been trained and tamed throughout history. Njen najhujši sovražnik je lev.So rastlinojedci, kar pomeni, da se prehranjuje s travo in drugimi rastlinami. Zebras communicate with various vocalisations, body postures and facial expressions. [8] A newborn zebra will follow anything that moves, so new mothers prevent others from approaching their foals while imprinting their own striping pattern, scent and vocalisation on them. Датум : 29. јануар 2012. [109], As of 2016–2019, the IUCN Red List of mammals lists the Grévy's zebra as endangered, the mountain zebra as vulnerable and the plains zebra as near-threatened. Etimológicamente, la palabra cebra que utilizan los hablantes de castellano deriva del nombre del "zevro/a" o "cebro/a", un équido salvaje que habitó la península ibérica por lo menos hasta bastante avanzada la Edad Media. Historically, they have been highly sought after by exotic animal collectors, but unlike horses and donkeys, zebras have never been truly domesticated. These are typically young males that are not yet ready to establish a harem or territory. There are different species and sub-species of zebra, and they all have stripes so, think scientists, it must be important.[3]. The function of stripes in zebras has been discussed among biologists since at least the 19th century. When threatened by lions, zebras flee, and when caught they are rarely effective in fighting off the big cats. Wikipedia ejes af paraplyorganisationen Wikimedia Foundation, som driver flere flersproglige og frie projekter hvor alle kan bidrage. Drægtighedsperioden varer omkring 12 måneder, hvorefter de får et enkelt føl med en vægt på ca. Among harem-holding species, this behaviour has otherwise only been observed in primates such as the gelada and the hamadryas baboon. The skins were traded or used locally. Zebra (po latinsky Hippotigris) je podrod rodu Equus a slovenské rodové meno druhov tohto podrodu. Zebra je označení pro jeden ze tří podrodů kopytníků z rodu Equus, jejichž srst je charakteristicky bílo-černě pruhovaná („zebrovaná“).Tito zástupci skupiny koňovitých lichokopytníků žijí obvykle v rodinných skupinách, které jsou tvořeny jedním hřebcem, doprovázeným klisnami a mláďaty. [28] In Grévy's zebras, mothers may gather into small groups and leave their young in "kindergartens" guarded by a territorial male while searching for water. Zebras are several species o African equids (horse faimily) unitit bi their distinctive black an white strippit coats. Zebras share the genus Equus with horses and asses, the three groups being the only living members of the family Equidae. Zebras mainly eat grass, but they also eat fruit, leaves and some vegetables. From there, the stripes stretch downward except on the rump, where they develop species-specific patterns, and near the nose where they curve toward the nostrils. In 1261, Sultan Baibars of Egypt established an embassy with Alfonso X of Castile and sent a zebra and other exotic animals as gifts. Zebra Technologies’ Focus on Corporate Social Responsibility At Zebra, our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities include operating our business in an ethical manner, protecting the environment through the eco-friendly design and manufacturing of our products and solutions, and the adoption of sustainable measures in our services and supply chain operations. [110] Protected areas for the plains zebra include the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, Tsavo and Masai Mara in Kenya, Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe, Etosha National Park in Namibia, and Kruger National Park in South Africa. There are three main species of zebra, Grevy's Zebra, the Plains Zebra, and the Mountain Zebra. The eyes of zebras are at the sides and far up the head, which allows them to see above the tall grass while grazing. These groups have their own home ranges, which overlap, and they tend to be nomadic. They have been featured in art and stories in Africa and beyond. Stallions form and expand their harems by recruiting young mares from their natal (birth) harems. [104], When Queen Charlotte received a zebra as a wedding gift in 1762, the animal became a source of fascination for the people of Britain. There are three main species of zebra, Grevy's Zebra, the Plains Zebra, and the Mountain Zebra. [15][16] Molecular evidence supports zebras as a monophyletic lineage. Zebra & Giraffe . Bachelors prepare for their adult roles with play fights and greeting/challenge rituals, which make up most of their activities. Јазик ; Набљудувај; Уреди; Податотека; Историја на податотеката; Употреба на податотеката; Глобална употреба на податотеката; Метаподатоци; Нема верзија со поголема разделност. Flat reflector provides floody light. Ја, носилац ауторских права над овим делом, га овим објављујем под следећом лиценцом: Ова [8][28] The plains zebra is a pioneer grazer, mowing down the upper, less nutritious grass canopy and preparing the way for more specialised grazers, which depend on shorter and more nutritious grasses below. V niektorých starších systémoch mal postavenie rodu ("zebra" - Hippotigris). "Equus quagga (Plains Zebra, Burchell's Zebra, Common Zebra, Painted Zebra)", https://simple.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Zebra&oldid=7156188, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. [4] They can have babies (foals) when they are about five years old and can have one every year. 43–57. Zebras evoluíram entre os cavalos do Velho Mundo nos últimos 4 milhões de anos. Loud snorting in zebras is associated with alarm. Searches are based on the text as shown by the browser, so wiki markup is irrelevant. [50] Popular hypotheses include the following: Zebras may travel or migrate to better watered areas. [84] Biting and kicking are a zebra's defense tactics. Zebra de Grant a Tanzània. Gyvena didelėmis bandomis, klajojančiomis savanose.Minta žole, krūmų, medžių lapais.Dėl sausojo ir lietingojo sezonų kaitos priversti nuolat migruoti. [23] Within a few weeks, foals attempt to graze, but may continue to nurse for eight to thirteen months. [28] Plains and mountain zebras strengthen their social bonds with grooming. català: Zebra comuna Deutsch: Steppenzebra English: Plains zebra suomi: Aroseepra Nordfriisk: Gäärslunseebra français: Zèbre des plaines magyar: Alföldi zebra, Burchell-zebra 日本語: サバンナシマウマ македонски: Обична зебра polski: zebra stepowa português: Zebra-das-planícies Moehlman, P. D. (2003). Zebraer er en underslægt i hesteslægten blandt de uparrettåede hovdyr.De har karakteristiske hvide og sorte striber og lever i flokke på savanner i det centrale, sydlige og østlige Afrika.Zebraerne er kønsmodne efter 2½-3 år. [26][28] Plains zebras have been recorded travelling 500 km (310 mi) between Namibia and Botswana, the longest land migration of mammals in Africa. [45] During embryonic development, the stripes appear at eight months, but the patterns may be determined at three to five weeks. [34][35] E. capensis, known as the Cape zebra, appeared around 2 mya and lived throughout southern and eastern Africa and may also have been a relative of the plains zebra. Konventionelle Waffen beziehen dagegen ihre Explosionsenergie aus chemischen Reaktionen, bei denen die Atomkerne unverändert bleiben. Jetzt im TOM TAILOR Online-Shop! Zebra & Giraffe (abbreviated to Z & G) is an alternative rock band from South Africa. Føllet dier i ca. Zebras are African horses. A zebra fekete alapon fehér csíkos. Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. Toyota Avanza (2003–2011) Produktionszeitraum: 2003–2011 Karosserieversionen: Kombi Motoren: Ottomotoren: 1,0–1,5 Liter (46–80 kW) Länge: 4120 mm Breite: 1630 mm Höhe: 1695 mm Radstand: 2655 mm Leergewicht: 1130 kg Der Wagen der ersten Generation ist ein kleiner Van mit 5 Türen und Hinterradantrieb . The plains zebra and mountain zebra were traditionally placed in the subgenus Hippotigris (C. H. Smith, 1841) in contrast to the Grévy's zebra which was considered the sole species of subgenus Dolichohippus (Heller, 1912). Emri "zebra" në anglisht daton në v. 1600, nga gjuha italiane, ndoshta nga portugezja, e cila nga ana e tij thuhet të jetë kongolez (siç thuhet në fjalorin anglez të anglishtes). Jan. 2010: 671 × 788 (67 KB) Flow2: forgot another mistake: 16:00, 31. pp. De mens is er nooit echt in geslaagd ze te domesticeren, in tegenstelling tot paarden en ezels, hun naaste verwanten. They were constructed as two flotillas, with names beginning with "W-" and "Z-", respectively, although, like the preceding U and V class, two of the flotilla leaders were named after historical naval figures (as had been Royal Navy practice during the inter-war years). Надворешни пребарувачи. Equus (Hippotigris) grevyi Oustalet, 1882; sin. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. [103] In later times, captive zebras have been shipped around the world, often for diplomatic reasons. Zebra MC9300 - Datenerfassungsterminal - robust - Android 8.1 (Oreo) - 32 GB - 10.9 cm (4.3) Farbe (800 x 480) (0) Datalogic BC6020 Base/Charger - Docking Cradle (Anschlußstand) (0) Online verfügbar. Zebra species differ in social behaviour, with plains and mountain zebra living in stable harems consisting of an adult male or stallion, several adult females or mares, and their young or foals; while Grévy's zebra live alone or in loosely associated herds. Darwin wrote in 1871 that "a female zebra would not admit the addresses of a male ass until he was painted so as to resemble a zebra" while Wallace stated in 1871 that: "The stripes therefore may be of use by enabling stragglers to distinguish their fellows at a distance.". [26] The call of the Grévy's zebra has been described as "something like a hippo's grunt combined with a donkey's wheeze", while the mountain zebra is relatively silent. English: Grants Zebra. The main part of the body has mostly vertical stripes, and the legs have horizontal stripes. Зебрата е член на фамилијата на коњи кој се одликува со живописна телесна покривка со бели и црни линии. Yma teyr eghen vew a zebra: zebra an gwastastir ha zebra an menydh, y'n is-genus Hippotigris; ha zebra Grévy, y'n is-genus Dolichohippus. Young of both sexes leave their natal groups as they mature; females are usually herded by outside males to be included as permanent members of their harems. [107] In the late 19th century, the zoologist Walter Rothschild trained some zebras to draw a carriage in England, which he drove to Buckingham Palace to demonstrate the tame character of zebras to the public. E. zebra. ↑ Wolf-Ulrich Cropp: Wie ich die Prinzessin von Sansibar suchte und dabei mal kurz am Kilimandscharo vorbeikam. [39] Captive zebras have been bred with horses and donkeys; these are known as zebroids. Lajin raidat ovat kapeampia kuin muilla seeproilla. 1600; borrowed from Italian zebra, from Portuguese zebra, zebro (“zebra”), from Old Portuguese enzebro, ezebra, azebra (“wild ass”), from earlier cebrario (882), ezebrario (897), from Vulgar Latin *eciferus, from Latin equiferus (“wild horse”) (Pliny), from equus (“horse”) + ferus (“wild”). Синглот Angels е продаден во 1.45 милиони копии во Русија, и бил 7 пати најкористена мелодија на мобилните телефони. [28] Bachelor groups tend to be at the periphery of herds and when the herd moves, the bachelors trail behind. It lives in the Indian and Pacific seas. DuMont Reiseverlag, Ostfildern 2016, ISBN 978-3-7701-8280-0, Seite 39 Taxonomia. In the 1670s, Ethiopian Emperor Yohannes I exported two zebras to the Dutch governor of Jakarta. [87] With smaller predators like hyenas and dogs, zebras may act more aggressively, especially in defense of their young. Conservation efforts by the South African National Parks have since allowed the populations to grow to over 2,600 by the 2010s. La vif tla savana tl’Africa y la possa viver nchina 28 ani . The fish has 13 venomous spines along its back, used to look after itself. Zebras are mammals of the family Equidae.Zebras are African horses.They are in the same genus as the common horse, Equus caballus, and donkeys.Zebras are known for having many black and white stripes. There are three extant species: the Grévy's zebra (Equus grevyi), plains zebra (E. quagga) and the mountain zebra (E. zebra). A vulgaribus equis (Equo fero caballo) et asinis (Equo africano asino) eo differunt, quod nunquam perdomitae sunt. [3][4], The word "zebra" was traditionally pronounced with a long initial vowel, but over the course of the 20th century the pronunciation with the short initial vowel became the norm in the UK and the Commonwealth. [111][119], The Quagga Project An organisation that selectively breeds zebras to recreate the hair coat pattern of the quagga, Black and white striped animals in the horse family, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, International Union for Conservation of Nature, State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe, "The Iberian Zebro: what kind of a beast Was It? The English name "zebra" dates back to c. 1600, deriving from Italian, Spanish or Portuguese. Groups of lactating females are able to remain in groups with nonlactating ones and usually gather at foraging areas. As long as a harem stallion is healthy, he is not usually challenged. Vuoriseepra (Equus zebra) puolestaan elää Lounais-Afrikan vuoristoissa. †E. Plains zebra groups also live in a fission–fusion society. Each of the different zebra species has different type of stripes. Kolmas seepralaji, grevynseepra eli kuningasseepra (Equus grevyi), elää Etiopiassa, Somaliassa ja Keniassa. However, this happens at three weeks of development for the plains zebra, four weeks for the mountain zebra, and five for Grévy's zebra. Best kepar ha margh yw ha brith gans du ha gwynn. Das Waves Vienna – Music Festival & Conference, zwischenzeitlich auch Waves Central Europe, ist ein seit 2011 jährlich in Wien und von 2013 bis 2015 parallel auch in Bratislava stattfindendes Musikfestival für Popmusik österreichischer und internationaler Musiker und Bands vornehmlich aus Bereichen der Alternative- und Independent-Musik. Grooming shows social status and eases aggressive behaviour. Strickwaren für Herren sind perfekt falls es mal kälter ist. [26][28][79] Grévy's zebras can survive almost a week without water but will drink daily when it is plentiful and conserve water well. Zebras kā visi zirgu dzimtas pārstāvji ir sabiedriski dzīvnieki un mēdz veidot gan mazākus harēmus, gan lielus barus.Zebras parasti ir 2,3 m garas un 1,25—1,50 m augstas skaustā, to svars ir apmēram 300—400 kg. They then may rub and press their shoulders against each other and rest their heads on one another. Compared to ruminants, zebras have a simpler and less efficient digestive system. Leipzig 1854–1961 „Fohlen“ [1] Goethe-Wörterbuch „Fohlen“ [1] Meyers Großes Konversationslexikon. Ezek a fejen, a nyakon és a törzsön függőlegesek, míg az állat farán és lábain vízszintesek. [42][43][44] The general pattern is a dorsal line that extends from the forehead to the tail. For people of the African diaspora, the zebra represented the politics of race and identity, being both black and white. Das Walt Disney World Resort ist ein Komplex mehrerer Freizeitparks in der Nähe von Orlando in Florida.Das Resort gehört zur Abteilung Walt Disney Parks and Resorts der Walt Disney Company und umfasst vier verschiedene Themenparks, zwei Wasserparks sowie 23 Hotels und ist somit kein einziger, in sich geschlossener Freizeitpark. Zebras are known for having many black and white stripes. The quagga was probably vulnerable to extinction due to its limited distribution, and it may have competed with domestic livestock for forage. In gregibus parvis vel magnis vivunt. [1][2] Its origins may lay in the Latin equiferus meaning "wild horse"; from equus ("horse") and ferus ("wild, untamed"). In contrast to other living equines, zebra forelimbs are longer than their back limbs. [113] By the beginning of the 20th century, zebra skins were valued commodities and were typically used as rugs. They also have a dark line directly down their spine. A territorial Grévy's zebra stallion may tolerate non-territorial bachelors who wander in their territory, however when a mare in oestrous is present the territorial stallion keeps other stallions at bay. [85] The zebra can reach a speed of 68.4 km/h (42.5 mph) compared to 57.6 km/h (35.8 mph) for the lion, but maximum acceleration is respectively 18 km/h (11 mph) and 34.2 km/h (21.3 mph). [118], Zebras can be found in numerous protected areas. Its stripes have symbolised the joining of male and female and at the ruined city of Great Zimbabwe, zebra stripes decorate what is believed to be a domba, a premarital school meant to initiate girls into adulthood. [96], For the Shona people, the zebra is a totem animal and is praised in a poem as an "iridescent and glittering creature". Zebra stripes come in different patterns, unique to each individual. Zebrae sunt plures species equidarum Africanarum generis Equi, quarum pellis lineas nigras et albas habet. The fly protection hypothesis holds that the stripes deter biting flies. [117] The Cape mountain zebra, a subspecies of mountain zebra, was driven to near extinction by hunting and habitat loss with less than 50 individuals by the 1950s. Only unhealthy stallions have their harems taken over, and even then, the new stallion gradually takes over, pushing the old one out without a fight. Zebra builds enterprise-level data capture and automatic identification solutions that provide businesses with operational visibility. [86] However, a 2018 study found that zebras do not escape lions by speed alone but by laterally turning, especially when the predator is close behind. [13] The extinct quagga was originally classified as a distinct species. Zebra je naziv za nekoliko vrsta životinja koje pripadaju porodici Equidae (porodici konja) i koje žive u centralnoj i južnoj Africi.. Obuhvaća dva podroda s ukupno tri žive vrste, a to su: Hippotigris Smith, 1841 (dvije vrste); Dolichohippus Heller, 1912 (jedna vrsta); Njihovi najbliži srodnici su podrod pravih konja i podrod magarci ().. Opis. Jan. 2010 : 671 × 788 (66 KB) Flow2: now right coat of arms! [8][28][32], Unlike horses, zebras and asses have chestnut callosities only on their front limbs. Кит-ајкула (Rhincodon typus) е вид на ајкула.Китот-ајкула е најголемата риба во светот. Subdominants have territories farther away, near foraging areas. [5] The pronunciation with a long initial vowel remains standard in US English. [94] Zebra stripes are also popularly used for body paintings, dress, furniture and architecture. Origin: Johannesburg, South Africa: Genres: Alternative Rock, Electronic Rock: Years active: 2007-2016: Members: Greg Carlin Alan Shenton Mike Wright Chris Carlton Stefan Henrico: History Greg Carlin. capensis Agonistic behaviour between male Grévy's zebras occurs at the border of their territories. [8][28][89], Females of these species benefit as males give them more time for feeding, protection for their young, and protection from predators and harassment by outside males. Zebra namey ganiyê ke bınê bıncınsê keyey Equidae Hippotigris de arê benê, êyê. The band's debut album, Collected Memories, was released on 5 May 2008. .mw-parser-output table.clade{border-spacing:0;margin:0;font-size:100%;line-height:100%;border-collapse:separate;width:auto}.mw-parser-output table.clade table.clade{width:100%;line-height:inherit}.mw-parser-output table.clade td.clade-label{width:0.7em;padding:0 0.15em;vertical-align:bottom;text-align:center;border-left:1px solid;border-bottom:1px solid;white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output table.clade td.clade-fixed-width{overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}.mw-parser-output table.clade td.clade-fixed-width:hover{overflow:visible}.mw-parser-output table.clade td.clade-label.first{border-left:none;border-right:none}.mw-parser-output table.clade td.clade-label.reverse{border-left:none;border-right:1px solid}.mw-parser-output table.clade td.clade-slabel{padding:0 0.15em;vertical-align:top;text-align:center;border-left:1px solid;white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output table.clade td.clade-slabel:hover{overflow:visible}.mw-parser-output table.clade td.clade-slabel.last{border-left:none;border-right:none}.mw-parser-output table.clade td.clade-slabel.reverse{border-left:none;border-right:1px solid}.mw-parser-output table.clade td.clade-bar{vertical-align:middle;text-align:left;padding:0 0.5em;position:relative}.mw-parser-output table.clade td.clade-bar.reverse{text-align:right;position:relative}.mw-parser-output table.clade td.clade-leaf{border:0;padding:0;text-align:left}.mw-parser-output table.clade td.clade-leafR{border:0;padding:0;text-align:right}.mw-parser-output table.clade td.clade-leaf.reverse{text-align:right}.mw-parser-output table.clade:hover span.linkA{background-color:yellow}.mw-parser-output table.clade:hover span.linkB{background-color:green}, In addition to the three extant species, some fossil zebras have also been identified. The plains zebra has a distinctive, high-pitched contact call (commonly called "barking") heard as "a-ha, a-ha, a-ha" or "kwa-ha, kaw-ha, ha, ha". Members of a harem nip and scrape along the neck, withers, and back with their teeth and lips. Od příbuzných zeber se lišila především zbarvením – typické pruhy měla jen na hlavě a krku, téměř bílé nohy a na trupu hnědou srst. E. quagga [8] Living in an arid environment, Grévy's zebras have longer nursing intervals and do not drink water until they are three months old. Human intervention has fragmented zebra ranges and populations. Ndërsa zebrat e fushave janë shumë më të bollshme. "How the zebra got its stripes: a problem with too many solutions". Zebras, Assess and Horses. Zebras may spend 60–80% of their time feeding, depending on the availability and quality of vegetation. [40], As with all wild equines, zebra have barrel-chested bodies with tufted tails, elongated faces and long necks with long, erect manes. [1] Wikipedia-Artikel „Fohlen“ [1] Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm: Deutsches Wörterbuch. Laji on uhanalainen. Zebras are classified in the genus Equus (known as equines) along with horses and asses.These three groups are the only living members of the family Equidae. [8][91] Oestrus in female zebras lasts five to ten days; physical signs include frequent urination, flowing mucus, and swollen, everted (inside out) labia. Zebras ir Āfrikā dzīvojoši zirgu dzimtas (Equidae) dzīvnieki, kas pazīstami sava melni-balti svītrotā krāsojuma dēļ.To strīpas ir unikālas katram indivīdam. Пеперугите (лат. [108] In the early 20th century, German colonial officers in German East Africa tried to use zebras for both driving and riding, with limited success. [8] The plains zebra and mountain zebra were traditionally placed in the subgenus Hippotigris (C. H. Smith, 1841) in contrast to the Grévy's zebra which was considered the sole species of subgenus Dolichohippus (Heller, 1912). Zebras also have complex patterns around the eyes and the lower jaw. Zebras also communicate with visual displays, and the flexibility of their lips allows them to make complex facial expressions. Their fur has black and white stripes. HMS Wakeful (R59/F159) là một tàu khu trục lớp W được Hải quân Hoàng gia Anh Quốc chế tạo trong Chương trình Khẩn cấp Chiến tranh của Chiến tranh Thế giới thứ hai.Được hạ thủy năm 1943, nó đã phục vụ trong cuộc chiến tranh và sống sót qua cuộc xung … They are in the same genus as the common horse, Equus caballus, and donkeys. Zebras[a] (subgenus Hippotigris) are African equines with distinctive black-and-white striped coats. Equus zebra Equus hartmannae Equus quagga Equus grevyi. May'ada tulo na specie an zebra: an plains zebra, an Grévy's zebra ngan an mountain zebra. The difference in timing is thought to be responsible for the differences in the striping patterns of the different species. [28], When meeting for the first time, or after they have separated, individuals may greet each other by rubbing and sniffing their noses followed by rubbing their cheeks, moving their noses along their bodies and sniffing each other's genitals. The plains zebra is the national animal of Botswana and zebras have been depicted on stamps during colonial and post-colonial Africa. [32] Diagnostic traits of the zebra skull include: its relatively small size with a straight profile, more projected eye sockets, narrower rostrum, reduced postorbital bar, a V-shaped groove separating the metaconid and metastylid of the teeth and both halves of the enamel wall being rounded. Zebra black and white alternative rock band from South Africa linear dominance hierarchy exists based the... Many black and white striped animals in the striping patterns thought to be increasing ``! 2,600 by the beginning of the heads may be used zebra wikipedia mk weapons in fighting the! 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