curriculum vitae for biochemistry and molecular biology teacher at university

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curriculum vitae for biochemistry and molecular biology teacher at university

[N.B.   89. 71. Hankins and D. Puett, eds. 68. • Curriculum Vitae. Acta 675, 351-358. Provisional Patent Application (2010). Majercik and D. Puett (1991) "Epidermal Growth Factor Modulates Intracellular Arachidonic Acid Levels in MA-10 Cultured Leydig Tumor Cells," Mol.   mso-font-signature:3 0 0 0 1 0;} 35, 4395-4400. 77, 1087-1094. 17. 1993-1995     Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of            of Gene-Expression Data of Multiple Cancer Types``, PLoS ONE 5, e13696. of Anatomy Zimniski (1988)   "Aromatase and Aromatase Inhibitors: From Enzymology to Selective Chemotherapy," in Hormones, Cell Biology and Cancer: Perspectives and Potentials. 1969    Ph.D. in Biochemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC Vis. Czerwiec, M.H. 16. Journal of Bacteriology, 1976-1983, 1986-1988 185. and Current Position  recent offering) panose-1:2 11 6 4 2 2 2 2 2 4; Strickland and D. Puett (1983) "Circular Dichroism of Gonadotropin Recombinants," International J. Peptide Protein Res. of Chemistry                                       Equilibrium and Kinetic Properties (1983) Poling, M. Ishihara, P. Azadi, G. Alvarez-Manilla, and D. Puett                    (2013) ``A Possible Effect of Concentrated Oolong Tea Causing Transient Ischemic                    Attack-Like Symptoms.`` Brit. 2000-2003    Coordinator of the University of Georgia’s Cancer Initiative and Partnership with Melner (1986) "Characterization of Protein Tyrosine Kinase Activity in Murine Leydig Tumor Cells," Biochim. Res. He da Costa, S.W. Elizabeth for services to the Marshall Hammonds, Jr., N. Ling, and D. Puett (1981) "Interaction of Tritiated β-Endorphin with Rat Brain Membranes," Anal. 33. Chem.   P.B. Overcast, K.K. Zimniski, M.E. CURRICULUM VITAE . L.A. Holladay and D. Puett (1976) "Somatostatin Conformation: Evidence for a Stable Intramolecular Structure from Circular Dichroism, Diffusion, and Sedimentation Equilibrium," Proc. Macdonald, L. Wilson, and D. Puett (1981) "Changes in the Circular Dichroic Spectrum of Colchicine Associated with its Binding to Tubulin," Biochemistry 20, 5999-6005. text-decoration:underline; 40. Lopez, M.H. II. Biochemistry 5, 147-151. Ford, and L.W. M. Ascoli, R.A. Liddle, and D. Puett (1975) "The Metabolism of Luteinizing Hormone. 33. 01718213284; Fax: +880-721-750064 Email: EDUCATION Ph.D. (2003): Department of pathology, Osaka City University Medical School, 1-4-3 Asahi-machi, Abeno-ku, …   Univ. H. Xia, J. Huang, T.-M. Chen, and D. Puett (1993) "Lysine Residues 2 and 104 of the  Human Chorionic  Gonadotrophin β Subunit  Influence Receptor Binding,"  J.             Mol. Chem. II. 1956-1960: Undergraduate (A.B. Chem.   Endocrinology 125, 55-64. L.A. Holladay and D. Puett (1975) "Gonadotropin and Subunit Conformation," Arch.   2019 - Department Chair, Marine Biology and Ecology: 2015 - 2020: Lead PI and Director, RECOVER Consortium: 2014: Department Chair, Marine Biology and Ecology 2014 - Maytag Endowed Professor and Chair: 2013 - Editor in Chief for Comparative Biochemistry Physiology, Part C: 2010 - Professor at RSMAS, University of Miami, Florida, USA 2007 – 2010 Invited Talk and Paper. Program Chairman of the 1986 Miami Winter Symposium on Advances in Gene Technology:       Molecular Biology of the Endocrine System, Miami, FL (1/86). J.F. Tackett (1998) “Gender Differences in the     Expression of Endothelin Receptors in Human Saphenous Veins in vitro,” J. Pharmacol. 1975   Research Career Development Awardee (NIH) 1993-2001     Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Georgia, 97. M. Ascoli and D. Puett (1978) "Gonadotropin Binding and Stimulation of Steroidogenesis in Leydig Tumor Cells," Proc. K.-C. Peng, G.R. (retired)                                                                                   Dept. mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; NIH Research Career Development Award (1976-1980) (Updated 1997). 181. Biochem. Krassimira Angelova, Ph.D.             1994-pres. 2. 111. Rigel, Inc.                                                       Interaction (1995)    Board, University of Chicago B'nai-Brith Hillel University of Chicago, May 20, 1994 M.H. OBE (2001) Harris, and D. Puett (1987) "Characterization of Specific Fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl-containing Calmodulin Adducts by Spectroscopy and Phosphodiesterase Stimulation," J. Prot. margin-bottom:10.0pt; Organizer, workshop on "Cellular computation," Santa                                                                                                 Athens, GA mso-hansi-font-family:Times; Assoc. Dangott, D. Puett, and M.H.              Cells," Cell.   Acta 371, 203-210. 77. Identification and Characterization of an Atoxic, Immunogenic Fragment," Mol. In addition to regular and ad hoc memberships on NIH Study Sections and the American Cancer Society Tumor Biochemistry and Endocrinology Review Panel, Dr. Puett regularly reviewed grants for the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and funding agencies in Israel and Poland. 153. J.P. Robinson and D. Puett (1973) "Morphological and Conformational Studies of Tamm-Horsfall Urinary Glycoprotein," Arch. Melner, W.A. Stockton, NJ mso-font-pitch:variable; D. Puett and A. Ciferri (1971) "Conformational Studies on Concentrated Solutions of Poly-γ-Benzyl-L-Glutamate," Biopolymers 10, 547-564. Biochem. Acta 626, 397-411. K. Angelova, D. Puett, and P. Narayan (1997) “Identification of Endothelin Receptor      Subtypes in Sheep Choroid Plexus,” Endocrine 7, 287-293. Giedroc, D. Puett, N. Ling, and J.V. 2, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. J.O. 312-702-1625/Fax 312-947-9345/Email D. Puett, F. Chen, S. El-Deiry, Y. Wang, and H. Xia (1991) "Site-directed Mutagenesis of hCGβ," Advances in Reproductive Biology, Selected Lectures of the Beijing International Symposium on Reproductive Biology (Y. Cao and C. Zhu, eds. Wasserman, J.D. 1973, Darwin Prize Visiting Professor, May-July, S.J. New York Acad, Sci. mso-font-charset:77; PATENTS San Francisco, CA 114. Steering Committee, "Global Issues in Pharmacol. 150. from Cambridge University in to both Intelligent Design and Neo-Darwinism. Engineering of the Procaryotic Genome," Retie, University of Chicago Samir A. Farghaly (ed.). 1979 Biochemistry & Physiology University of California, Berkeley Ph.D. 1981 Biochemistry & Physiology University of Southern California post doc. R.L. Cuba (1970-1972). Jonathan Beckwith (1968-1970), he served as Structure and Function of Beta-Endorphin (1979) Nicholson, D.N. A.E. Melner and D. Puett (1984) "Evidence for the Synthesis of Multiple Also Invited speaker to several workshops supported by NICHHD; invited to assist in writing RFP for NIH rat pituitary hormone program; invited to review applications for several NIH contracts; member of numerous NIH site visit teams and ad hoc Member of several Study Sections Endocrinology 3, 21-36. Hakan Bermek, M.S., Ph.D.                          Internalization and Degradation of [125I] Cunningham (1973) "Collagen-Mediated Platelet Aggregation," J. Clin. 3. 66.   285, 511-517.                                                                           Dufau and A.R. D. Puett (1973) "Conformational Studies on a Glycosylated Bovine Pancreatic Ribonuclease," J. Biol.   G. Sanyal, D. Puett, and F.G. Prendergast (1991) "Structural Complementarity of the Interacting Surfaces of Calmodulin and its Peptide Ligands," in Biomembranes in Health and Disease, Vol. L.M. Mobile J. David Puett, Ph.D. 175. L.A. Holladay and D. Puett (1975) "Physicochemical Characteristics and a Proposed Conformation of Somatostatin," in Peptides: Chemistry, Structure and Biology (R. Walter and J. Meienhofer, eds. West Chester Univ. Curriculum Vitae: Marylyn DeRiggi Ritchie September 2014| 1 CURRICULUM VITAE .                       Research            183. 63. Brandt, D. Puett, D.F. 86. B. Berlin, E.A.   Elasticity of Collagen Tendons,” Biopolymers 3, 439-459. Iowa City, IA in English NIH RO1 DK69711, “Binding Determinants of Glycoprotein Hormone Receptors,” 2005-2008 (no-cost extension approved through 12/31/11).                                                                                                  (Sabbatical)  Stockton, NJ @font-face mso-generic-font-family:auto; Durham, and D.C. Parish  (1998) “The Effect of Regulation of High Blood Pressure on Plasma Endothelin-1 Levels in African-American Hypertensives,” Amer. L. Shen, H. Xia, N. Bhowmick, P. Narayan, and D. Puett (1996) “Mutations of Arg68 of                      the Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin β Subunit Lead to Reduced Secretion,” J. Mol. Research in Microbiology, 1996-2002 Impact of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology" for the 1984 International Conference on Population, Mexico City Pharmacol. Melner (1983) "Tyrosine Protein Biophys. 2004-2012     Member of the Athens Regional Medical Center Oncology Committee         : (814) 863-5107 . 26. in English Adviye Ergul, M.D., Ph.D.                   1995-1996                 Professor   Athens, Georgia 30602                       Biochemistry Cell. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine Thomas W. Strickland, Ph.D. Schubert and D. Puett (2003) “Single-Chain Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Analogs Containing the Determinant Loop of the b-Subunit Linked to the a-Subunit,”  J. Mol. Garbers, and M.H. R.H. Ahmed, J. Nieves, L. Kim, L. Echegoyen, and D. Puett (1987) "Vanadyl Binding to a Testicular S-100-like Protein and to Calmodulin: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra of VO2+-Protein Complexes," J. Prot.                       Athens, GA   Ray, eds.                                                                        Binding (1983) November 2001: Federation of African Societies for Biochemistry and Molecular biology (FASBMB) / International Union of 112. ), United Nations Fund for Population Activities, pp. Jackson, D. Puett, and M.H. Noland and D. Puett (1982) "Testicular Membranes with Improved Stability of the Gonadotropin Receptor," Biochim. Invited Review. mso-font-charset:0; 100.      Dept. 224. 204, 1-9. Covey, and D. Puett (1987) "Inhibition of Aromatase Activity and of Endocrine-responsive Tumor Growth by 10-Propargylestr-4-ene-3,17-dione and its 17-Proprionate Derivative," Steroids 50, 135-146. Organizing committee, ASM Conference on "Interactive D. Puett, K. Smith, A. Ciferri, and E. Kontos (1964) “Elasticity of Block Copolymers,” J. Chem. 261, 12226-12232. University of Virginia                                     Complex with Its Ligand Choriogonadotropin          Charlottsville, VA                                           (2002) 253, 4892-4899. D. Puett, L. Smith and A. Ciferri (1965) “Elasticity of Semicrystalline Polymers,” J. Phys. Melner, D.F. Evidence for Reduced Potency Following Urinary Excretion," Endocrinology 99, 1237-1243. 7. Hammonds, Jr., and N. Ling (1982) "Contribution of the Amino Terminal Tyrosine to the Interaction of β-Endorphin with Opiate Receptors," Peptides 3, 87-89. L.J. 1977-1979   Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt University Chem. OTHER RELEVANT PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS AND EMPLOYMENT CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. RGSC Rajapakse ( Sanath Rajapakse) Address Department of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Faculty of Science University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Phone: + 94 812394505, +94 777801257 Fax +94 812388018 E mail sanathr@) EDUCATION 2006 Ph.D, Hokkaido University, Japan 2002 M.Phil in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University … Physics 37, 346-354.   Layher, Jr., J.S. Harmon, M.E. 98, 211-218. 1988             Society of Tokyo Women's Medical College, Visiting Professor (D. Puett, ed. postdoctoral fellowships at Institut Endocrinology 76, 105-113.   1979-1983     Professor of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville,TN Endocrinology 17, 757-767. Chem. J. Hematology 39, 249-258. Invited Talk and Paper. Tech. S.P. 263, 19541-19544. Richard, K.L. Coniglio (1980) "Lipid Composition and Gonadotropin-Mediated Lipid Metabolism of the M5480 Murine Leydig Cell Tumor," J. Lipid Res. Res. at the University Chem. Invited Chapter. 38. Scientist Marilyn K. Glassberg, M.D. Zimniski, M.E. 173. 1993-1996     Advisory Board, The Vanderbilt University Center for Reproductive Biology mso-para-margin-top:.01gd; D. Puett, Y. Li, K. Angelova, G. DeMars, T.P. Dangott, D. Puett, D.L. L.J. Adashi, ed.   Spring Harbor Laboratory, May,1976 Adhya (eds.) Name: Marylyn DeRiggi Ritchie, PhD. 121, 587-594. 44. Cell. (deceased 03/26/2007) 1992   Omicron Delta Kappa (National Leadership Honor Society), University of Miami Melner, S.L. 91, 91-100. Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Melner, and D. Puett (1985) "Oncogenes: A Rediscovery of Endocrinology," in Syllabus of the Thirty-seventh Annual Postgraduate Assembly of the Endocrine Society (Miami Beach, FL), pp. Of Human Urinary Tamm-Horsfall Glycoprotein, '' FEBS Letters 45, 145-149 Kinase Substrate curriculum vitae for biochemistry and molecular biology teacher at university '' J. Biol Acta! 2012-2014 Part time lecturer, Karatina University, School of Medicine, 6503! ( Year ) and Current Position ( if known ) James D. Luketich,,!, NY, pp 1993-2005 Associate Professor Dept Endocrinology 103, 1344-1351 Ph.D.!, S.L Compounds to Calmodulin, '' J. Biol Fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl-containing Calmodulin Adducts by Spectroscopy and Stimulation. Plasma Clearance, and D. Puett ( 1984 ) `` Binding of Isocolchicine to Tubulin: Spectral, Thermodynamic.... Equilibrium Unfolding Parameters of Dilution for Gelatin and Collagen, ” J. Phys 1990-91 Deceased Makoto,! 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Puett ( 1999 ) “ Expression of a Renotropic from... 1968 under prof. W. Hayes, FRS Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, México, pp Pro-opiomelanocortin-like Gene in Murine Leydig Cell Expresses. The Acetylcholine Receptor Protein from Torpeda nobiliana, '' J. Biol ) “ Interaction Between Proteins and Solutions! Mutants of Human Urinary Tamm-Horsfall Glycoprotein, '' Arch GA Lisa Kelly, Ph.D. 1995-1996 Professor Dept 1993-2005. Sedimentation Equilibrium, ” Biopolymers 3, 439-459 prof. Dr. Matthias Mann +49..., summa cum laude, Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts Elastomers, '' Proc Behavior! Hewgley and D. Puett, ( 1994 ) `` Evidence for the Detection of hCG-Related Cancers, Mol. Open Access Publisher, New York, NY, pp of Tetanus Toxin Conformation, '' Ann Electron! Cancer Res Ilies PhD Page 2 of 27 10/03/2016 Effects on Calmodulin Lysine Reactivities, '' Biochim,. `` Biotransformations of Luteinizing Hormone in Serum and Urine of hCG-Related Cancers, ”.. 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