cloud conformity knowledge base

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cloud conformity knowledge base

Ensure that detailed storage logging is enabled for the Azure Storage Queue service. Ensure that Active Directory users are not allowed to add applications to Azure Access Panel. Azure Active Directory provides an identity platform with enhanced security, access management, scalability, and reliability for connecting users with all the apps they need. Ensure that Active Directory (AD) self-service group management is disabled for non-administrator users. Leaving you to grow and scale your business with confidence. Identify and remove old virtual machine disk snapshots in order to optimize cloud costs. Ensure that Azure virtual machine scale sets are configured to use automatic instance repairs. Ensure that certificate transparency is enabled for all your Azure Key Vault certificates. development and a secure, optimized cloud infrastructure Conformity has the leading Knowledge Base catalogue of infrastructure rules and controls directly available within its platform. Trend Micro Cloud One™ – Conformity has over 750+ cloud infrastructure configuration best practices for your Amazon Web Services and Microsoft® Azure environments. The device can be configured to measure three separate points of a mono-phase electrical system and measure each of them separately. Ensure that your Azure SQL database servers are configured to use auto-failover groups. Ensure that next generation firewall monitoring for Azure virtual machines (VMs) is enabled. Ensure that Azure App Service web applications are using incoming client certificates. Ensure that Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) admins are notified on password resets. Ensure that an activity log alert is created for "Create or Update Load Balancer" events. Version v1.11.16, Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka. Step by step CLI guides in the Knowledge Base Once you’ve done that, check out the Cloud Conformity S3 Knowledge Base. Ensure that storage auto-growth is enabled for your Microsoft Azure PostgreSQL database servers. Export Control Classification Numbers 5A002, … Identify and remove empty virtual machine scale sets from your Azure cloud account. This is a extension with a simple implementation of Cloud One Conformity template scanner right from the IDE. Ensure that Office 365 groups can be managed only by Active Directory (AD) administrators. Ensure that database auditing is enabled at the Azure SQL database server level. Allow trusted Microsoft services to access your Azure Key Vault resources (i.e. Ensure that Azure App Service web applications are using the latest version of TLS encryption. Ensure that Azure Search Service instances are configured to use system-assigned managed identities. Ensure that Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control is enabled for Azure Kubernetes clusters. Enable threat detection email notification alerts for your Microsoft Azure SQL servers. Ensure that endpoint protection is installed on your Microsoft Azure virtual machines. Configure your Microsoft Azure virtual machines to use Azure Active Directory credentials for secure authentication. Ensure that DDoS standard protection is enabled for production Azure virtual networks. Ensure that an activity log alert is created for "Update Key Vault (Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults)" events. Ensure your AWS services are compliant towards certification classification. Ensure that the external accounts with write permissions are monitored using Azure Security Center. No HUB required. Microsoft® Azure best practice rules . Ensure that Azure App Services applications are configured to use Application Insights feature. Ensure that IP forwarding enabled on your Azure virtual machines (VMs) is being monitored. Ensure that "AuditActionGroup" property is well configured at the Azure SQL database server level. Figure 5 – SEC 8 Reporting in Conformity. Features. Application scaling to optimize performance and costs, Centrally manage and automate backups across AWS services. Ensure that your virtual machine instances are of a given SKU size (e.g. Especially if you’re launching a knowledge base for the first time, you’re likely tracking many moving parts: Rather than trying to build a rocket ship to the moon, you’ll want to take baby steps. Below are the cloud, services and their associated best practice rules with clear instructions on how to perform the updates – made either through the console or via the Command Line Interface (CLI). Ensure that monitoring of deprecated accounts within your Azure subscription(s) is enabled. Ensure that the latest OS patches available for Microsoft Azure virtual machines are applied. Ensure that joining devices to Active Directory requires Multi-Factor Authentication. Ensure that encryption at rest is enabled for Microsoft Azure virtual machine non-boot volumes. Ensure that critical Azure Blob Storage data is protected from accidental deletion or modification. Regenerate storage account access keys periodically to help keep your storage account secure. Ensure that non-administrator users are not allowed to access Active Directory administration portal. Conformity provides real-time monitoring and auto-remediation for the security, compliance and governance of your cloud infrastructure. Use Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) for Azure activity log storage container encryption. This is the most comprehensive AWS management tool currently available in the market. Cloud Conformity uses its Knowledge Base of over 500 rules to automate checks across most services supported by AWS. Ensure that Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is enabled for every Azure SQL database. Ensure that AKS clusters are using the latest available version of Kubernetes software. The Knowledge Base is built on the AWS Well-Architected Framework with clear, step-by-step remediation rules actionable through both the AWS Console and CLI. Here is our growing list of Azure best practice rules with clear instructions on how to perform the updates – made either through the Azure console or via the Command Line Interface (CLI). Copyright © 2021 Trend Micro Incorporated. Compute Optimizer Auto Scaling Group Findings. Ensure that monitoring of DDoS protection at the Azure virtual network level is enabled. Ensure that an expiration date is configured for all your Microsoft Azure encryption keys. Ensure that Azure virtual machines are configured to use the Performance Diagnostics tool. Ensure that an activity log alert exists for "Power Off Virtual Machine" events. The framework underpins our entire platform and forms our Knowledge Base to ensure your cloud infrastructure is the most resilient, secure and efficient for your needs. Ensure that Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) users are notified on password resets. Ensure that no Azure user, group or application has full permissions to access and manage Key Vaults. Ensure that Azure Storage account access is limited only to specific IP address(es). Ensure that an activity log alert is created for "Create or Update Virtual Machine (Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines)" events. Enable FTPS-only access for your Microsoft Azure App Services web applications. Trend Micro Cloud One™ – Conformity has over 750+ cloud infrastructure configuration best practices for your Amazon Web Services and Microsoft® Azure environments. Ensure that an activity log alert is created for "Create/Update Azure SQL Database" events. Shelly 3EM can calculate 2-way consumption: produced and used energy for each of the three phases. Ensure there is an activity log alert created for the "Delete Key Vault" events. Ensure that Shared Access Signature (SAS) tokens are allowed only over the HTTPS protocol. Ensure that Microsoft Azure virtual machines are configured to use Boot Diagnostics feature. Ensure there is an Azure activity log alert created for "Delete Load Balancer" events. Ensure there is a sufficient PITR backup retention period configured for Azure SQL databases. Ensure that Azure Redis Cache servers are using the latest version of the TLS protocol. Ensure that Azure virtual machines are using Standard SSD disk volumes instead of Premium SSD volumes to optimize VM costs. Fast, reliable graph database built for the cloud, Central governance and management across AWS accounts, Set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud with just a few clicks, The most popular and fastest growing cloud data warehouse, A reliable and cost-effective way to route end users to Internet applications, A reliable and cost-effective way to manage domain names, Object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere, Flexible, affordable, and highly-scalable email sending and receiving service for businesses and developers, Fully managed pub/sub messaging for microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications, Fully managed message queues for microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications, Gain operational insights and take action on AWS resources, Machine learning for every developer and data scientist, Easily rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials, API keys, and other secrets through their lifecycle, Centrally view and manage security alerts and automate compliance checks, Reduce Costs, Increase Performance, and Improve Security, Provision a logically isolated section of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you define, Protect your web applications from common web exploits, Learn, measure, and build using architectural best practices, Access your desktop anywhere, anytime, from any device, Analyze and debug production, distributed applications, Microsoft AKS allows you to quickly deploy a production ready Kubernetes cluster in Azure, Microsoft Azure Active Directory Access Control (also known as Access Control Service or ACS) is a cloud-based service that provides an easy way of authenticating and authorizing users to gain access to your web applications and services. Whether your cloud exploration is just starting to take shape, you're mid-way through a migration or you're already running complex workloads in the cloud, Conformity offers full visibility of your infrastructure and provides continuous assurance it's secure, optimized and compliant. AWS assisted the telecommunications customer with mapping its internal security controls to the Cloud Conformity rules and identifying gaps. Enable "log_duration" parameter on your Microsoft Azure PostgreSQL database servers. Ensure that an activity log alert is created for the “Create/Update Network Security Group Rule” events. Whether your cloud exploration is just starting to take shape, you're mid-way through a migration or you're already running complex workloads in the cloud, Conformity offers full visibility of your infrastructure and provides continuous assurance it's secure, optimized and compliant. Ensure that Automatic Tuning feature is enabled for Microsoft Azure SQL database servers. Ensure that Azure Storage containers created to host static websites are not publicly accessible. Configure your Microsoft Azure virtual machines to automatically shut down on a daily basis. The highly acclaimed LigoWave support team is always ready to help you solve all arising problems or give professional advice about your network design, deployment, or … Ensure that no network security groups allow unrestricted inbound access on TCP port 3389 (Remote Desktop Protocol – RDP). Ensure that no network security groups allow unrestricted inbound access on TCP port 135 (Remote Procedure Call – RPC). Ste 390 USA, Las Vegas, NV 89145 Phone: 702.726.6963. Ensure that the Azure network interfaces with IP forwarding enabled are regularly reviewed. To easily provision, manage, and deploy public and private SSL/TLS certificates for use with AWS services and your internal connected resources, Create, maintain, and secure APIs at any scale. Ensure that non-privileged users are not allowed to register third-party applications. Ensure that Azure Blob Storage service has a lifecycle management policy configured. Ensure there is a sufficient backup retention period configured for Azure App Services applications. Ensure there are no custom owner roles within your Microsoft Azure cloud account. For each question in the Well-Architected Tool, we have identified which checks from our knowledge base are applicable. Ensure that an activity log alert is created for “Delete PostgreSQL Database” events. According to the World Meteorological Organization's International Cloud Atlas, more than 100 types of clouds exist. All rights reserved. Ensure that Network Watcher service is enabled for all your Microsoft Azure subscriptions. Ensure that your Shared Access Signature (SAS) tokens expire within an hour. Ensure that Azure Log Profile is configured to export all control & management activities. Disable Remote Debugging feature for your Microsoft Azure App Services web applications. Ensure that in-transit encryption is enabled for your Azure MySQL database servers. Ensure that anonymous access to blob containers is disabled within your Azure Storage account. The many variations, however, can be grouped into one of 10 basic types depending on their general shape and height in the sky. Ensure that "Automatic provisioning of monitoring agent" feature is enabled to enhance security at the virtual machine (VM) level. Ensure that the number of methods required for user password reset is set to 2 (two). Enable SQL auditing and threat detection monitoring for Microsoft Azure SQL servers. Ensure there is a sufficient period configured for the SSL certificates auto-renewal. Standard_A8_v2). Ensure that an activity log alert is created for "Rename Azure SQL Database" events. Model and provision all your cloud infrastructure resources, Fast, highly secure and programmable content delivery network (CDN), Observability of your AWS resources and applications on AWS and on-premises, Amazon CloudWatch Events delivers a near real-time stream of system events that describe changes in AWS resources, Monitor, store, and access your log files from Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, AWS CloudTrail, Route 53, and other sources, Discover insights and relationships in text, Recommends optimal AWS resources to reduce costs and improve performance for your workloads, Record and evaluate configurations of your AWS resources. Ensure that Azure Log Profile is configured to capture activity logs for all regions. Ensure that the total number of subscription owners within your Azure account is monitored. Ensure that App Service Authentication is enabled within your Microsoft Azure cloud account. Ensure that Security Center standard pricing tier is enabled in your Microsoft Azure account. Ensure that Azure activity log retention period is set for 365 days or greater. Declaration of Conformity Viptela products are controlled as networking equipment within the U.S. Ensure that no network security groups allow unrestricted inbound access on TCP port 20 and 21 (File Transfer Protocol – FTP). Enable "log_connections" parameter for your Microsoft Azure PostgreSQL database servers. Ensure that your Azure Key Vault encryption keys are renewed prior to their expiration date. Remove any unattached Azure virtual machine (VM) disk volumes to improve security and reduce costs. To prevent certain resource types from being deployed ensure that "Not Allowed Resource Types" policy is assigned. Conformity tests the resources, and provides the detailed results. Microsoft Cosmos DB enables you to elastically and independently scale throughput and storage across any number of Azure regions worldwide. Ensure that default network access (i.e. Export Control Classification Numbers 5A002, 5D002, and 5E002. Here we break down exactly what the framework is by looking at the individual pillars and what they mean for users, … Ensure that JIT network access monitoring for Azure virtual machines (VMs) is enabled. 410 S. Rampart Blvd. Ensure that your Microsoft Azure Key Vault instances are recoverable. Ensure that Microsoft Azure Advisor recommendations are analyzed and implemented. Ensure that PostgreSQL database servers are using the latest major version of PostgreSQL database. Along with better visibility, compliance and faster remediation for your cloud infrastructure, Conformity also has a growing public library of 750+ cloud infrastructure configuration best practices for your AWS™ and Microsoft® Azure environments. Enable all types of threat detection for your Microsoft Azure SQL database servers. Ensure that Azure virtual machine scale sets are configured for zone redundancy. Ensure that Auto-Renewal feature is enabled for your Azure Key Vault SSL certificates. Ensure that a Customer-Managed Key is created for your Microsoft Azure cloud web tier. Ensure that no network security groups allow unrestricted inbound access on TCP port 5432 (PostgreSQL Database Server). Ensure that an expiration date is set for all your Microsoft Azure secret keys. The Azure Activity Log provides insight into subscription-level events that have occurred in Azure. Providing simple, step-by-step resolutions to rectify any security vulnerabilities, performance, cost inefficiencies, and reliability risks. Here is our growing list of Azure best practice rules with clear instructions on how to perform the updates – made either through the Azure console or via the Command Line Interface (CLI). Use customer-managed keys (CMKs) for Microsoft Azure Storage accounts encryption. Ensure that Azure App Service web applications are using the latest stable version of Java. Ensure that security groups can be managed only by Active Directory (AD) administrators. Cloud One Conformity VSCode Extension. Ensure that an activity log alert is created for the "Delete Network Security Group" events. Ensure that no SQL databases allow unrestricted inbound access from (any IP address). Cloud Conformity’s knowledge base provides a consolidated list of the Lambda functions that are included in the continuous assurance checks. Ensure there is a tagging strategy in use for identifying and organizing Azure resources by name, purpose, environment, and other criteria. Each rule includes the rationale to encourage continuous best practice as your company commits deeper to the Cloud. Ensure that user authentication information reconfirmation is enabled within Active Directory password reset policy. Internal temperature sensor for overheating protection. Ensure that Azure Key Vault RSA certificates are using the appropriate key size. Ensure that Azure Key Vault certificates are using the appropriate key type(s). We wrote the custom Lambdas to fill in these gaps. Ensure that registration with Azure Active Directory is enabled for Azure App Service applications. Use customer-managed keys for Microsoft Azure virtual machine (VM) disk volumes encryption. Ensure that Azure virtual machine disk volumes deployed within the web tier are encrypted. Ensure that an activity log alert is created for “Create/Update MySQL Database” events. This extension has a really simple feature: a preventative measure to ensure your AWS infrastructure remains compliant by detecting risks in template files before they are launched into AWS. Launch applications when needed without upfront commitments, Easily store, manage, and deploy container images, Run containerized applications in production, Scalable, elastic, cloud-native file system for Linux, Highly available, scalable, and secure Kubernetes service, Achieve fault tolerance for any application by ensuring scalability, performance, and security, Easily Run and Scale Apache Spark, Hadoop, HBase, Presto, Hive, and other Big Data Frameworks, Managed, Redis or Memcached-compatible in-memory data store, Fully managed, scalable, and secure Elasticsearch service, Prepare and load real-time data streams into data stores and analytics tools, Protect your AWS accounts and workloads with intelligent threat detection and continuous monitoring, Provides ongoing visibility into the state of your AWS resources, services, and accounts, Securely manage access to AWS services and resources, Automated security assessment service to help improve the security and compliance of applications deployed on AWS, Easily create and control the keys used to encrypt your data, Easily collect, process, and analyze video and data streams in real time, Run code without thinking about servers. Ensure that an activity log alert exists for "Delete Virtual Machine" events. Ensure that an activity log alert is created for “Create/Update PostgreSQL Database” events. Enable SQL encryption monitoring and recommendations for Microsoft Azure SQL servers. Ensure that guest users cannot invite other guests to collaborate with your organization. Ensure that your Azure virtual machine scale sets are using load balancers for traffic distribution. Ensure that Azure App Service web applications are using the latest version of PHP. Require Active Directory administrators to provide consent for applications before use. Of monitoring agent '' feature is enabled to enhance security at the virtual (. ) level controls to the cloud Conformity ’ s Knowledge Base use application Insights feature that... And Microsoft® Azure environments each subscription available in your Azure account monitoring and recommendations for Azure! 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