naraku and kikyo

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naraku and kikyo

Kōga took advantage of this knowledge to try purifying him and the jewel with his shards. Naraku is the evil creature who created this nuisance of a hole in my right hand! At that point, he ordered Kohaku to kill Rin. He used him as a test for his new powers at Mt. Naraku tasked Kagura with making sure that he stayed inside; he'd kill her if she failed this time. Naraku lusting after Kikyo Obsession is a negative side of attraction accomplice with twisted lust and sick malice., Sets up Inuyasha and Kikyo against each other. Upon his return to the living world, Naraku discovered that an arrow that was fired by Kagome had pierced Hakudōshi and destroyed his barrier; only Kikyō possessed the spiritual power strong enough to break his barriers. Later, she stole Kagome's Sacred Jewel fragment and gave it to Naraku, and told Inuyasha that when Naraku completed the jewel, that would be the moment of his undoing, when she could purify both him and the jewel together. With Kagome's shards in his possession, Naraku fused them with his shards, and left all but six shards to be put in. Naraku revealed that his form was a work-in-progress. Naraku desired the Shikon no Tama, a jewel that would be able to grant him near-invincibility should he acquire all the pieces of it. Origin Loyalty Naraku had ordered her to retrieve the shard from his corpse.[14]. Naraku's relationship with Kikyō was very complicated and changed quite often in the series. For two reasons one he's a demon and two needs to evil he's going to hell the only way to stop the demons is the go into their weird Dimension and purify them which none of the Ninja are capable of doing. During the final battle, Naraku turned into his normal form, but with several diamonds forming the armor and a gigantic armored spider web that replaced the connecting tentacles. Naraku had the devilish idea of making Inuyasha relive his worst nightmare: being killed by the woman that he loved. Naraku was somewhat amused by this, though he remained wary of Sesshōmaru's power, and manipulated Sesshōmaru on numerous occasions. Sometimes, she served as the commander of an army of demons under Naraku's control. However, Kōga destroyed them, which left the Infant exposed. ShapeshiftingFlightRegenerationBiokinesisMiasmaManipulationCopying other demons' abilities. It also had a twin brother called Kagerōmaru, who lived in his stomach. Hakurei, Naraku no longer had to become human at any time. This would be Naraku's calling card. Naraku's skills are a combination of numerous demons, so he has a diverse array of abilities. Castle Beyond the Looking Glass Like Kanna, he was loyal to Naraku, though he did voice his opinions time to time. He asked if Kikyō understood why this was the new body that he desired. No information In the anime, Naraku gains a pale biege skintone after his rebirth at Mount Hakurei. When the group arrived, Naraku separated Miroku and Sango from the others, and laughed that the couple would wait for the Wind Tunnel to end their lives. Severely wounded nonetheless, Naraku fled to recover from Kikyō's attack, and was unable to completely banish the ray of light that she had left in the jewel. Naraku eventually learned that Inuyasha had been released from his seal and now journeyed together with Miyatsu's grandson, Miroku. When that came to pass, Naraku attempted to take the shard from Kohaku. His seiyū, Toshiyuki Morikawa, later provided the voice for. He attempted to kill her, but was driven off by her spiritual power. For most of his life, Naraku seemingly relied on him as his right-hand man, delegating command of all lower incarnations to him and entrusting him with major tasks. Naraku tricked Kagura into leading Inuyasha's group to the stone ogre, where he made it come to life and try to digest them, and hoped to only leave the Shikon Jewel Shard behind. Naraku, on the other hand, tries to get away from his former self totally and erase traces of Onigumo. Now he is using the body of Kagewaki, who is a legitimate child of the Hitomi family. Naraku said he could control Tenseiga because part of Kanna's mirror, also from his body, coated it. Genius intellectShapeshiftingFlightRegenerationBiokinesisMiasmaManipulationCopying other demons' abilities. Naraku himself hid within a cave inside the mountain which was not affected by the purified barrier. He crushed her heart, and made Kanna and the Mirror Demon explode in an attempt to kill Inuyasha's group. [8], After he noticed that Onigumo was fighting to get free of his body, Naraku decided to grant his wish and cast him out as a lump of purple flesh. Black (As Kagewaki Hitomi's appearance) Naraku spoiled Inuyasha and Kikyo’s plans by impersonating Inuyasha to steal the jewel, pitting Inuyasha and Kikyo against one another. [22] Sango was arguably affected worse than anyone else by Naraku's treachery, as her entire family and village was annihilated by him, and she was forced to continuously suffer over her brother. Magatsuhi was able to, in contrast to Naraku, not only touch the shard in Kohaku's back, but corrupt it as well. No sooner had he returned it, Naraku injected shōki into Kagura so her freedom would be short-lived and painful. Without the barrier to stop him, Naraku made the mountain part of his body. [23] Toward the end of the series, and throughout InuYasha: The Final Act, Kohaku slowly began to regain his memories. Inuyasha - Naraku x Kikyo - NarKik Inuyasha -Kikyo and Naraku … As Kagura could not, Naraku had Kanna, who was unaffected by the barrier, and Kohaku relay his orders. Following the death of Kagura in the manga, Naraku became largely absent from the series, and the focus shifted to the Infant's and Mōryōmaru's quest to absorb demons and Shikon shards. Separating himself from his heart, Naraku rendered it into two pieces. They were throwing brightly coloured bits of paper in the air and laughing. Turns out he's a werewolf and now so is she. Although he regenerated from this repeatedly, Sesshōmaru took note of Naraku's vulnerability and used the Bakusaiga on him. Kagerōmaru even tried to kill him upon birth by decapitation. Set in modern day Japan, Kagome allows herself to be wooed by a rich, mysterious Naraku. He also gives Sesshōmaru a hive of Saimyōshō in order to prevent Miroku from using his Kazaana. The third detachment of Naraku and the first male one, Goshinki was a large horned ogre with the ability to read minds and the only one of his siblings to lack a human appearance. Naraku is responsible for most of the characters' misfortunes, including the death of Kikyo, the sealing of Inuyasha to the sacred tree, Miroku's curse, and the death of Sango's family. After Inuyasha destroyed forever his body, Naraku's spirit was reduced to a head with a spine, and after Kagome shot him with her arrow, his face returned to normal. However, this didn't come to pass as Kagome purified Inuyasha and the shard, which allowed them to escape the stone ogre. After he learned the truth, Kōga vowed from then on to destroy Naraku and Kagura to avenge his fallen comrades. Knowing how bothersome the Wind Tunnel would prove, Naraku also gifted Sesshōmaru with a Saimyōshō hive to poison Miroku. Hiding within a pocket dimension, Naraku watched as Inuyasha's group met the Jewel Demon, Hōsenki, who had taken the shard with him in death per its own request to prevent the Shikon Jewel from becoming whole. Naraku's very first action after being reborn was to one of the two things Onigumo had wished for: To obtain the corrupted Shikon no Tama. Posing as Kagewaki Hitomi while using a puppet to pose as himself as an adviser who was well-versed about demons, Naraku lured the best of the Demon slayers from their village to leave it vulnerable to yōkai wishing for revenge. During those times, he lost all of his demon powers and reverted to his "human" form. Keeping watch on Onigumo with Kanna's mirror, Naraku watched as the Onigumo incarnation pillaged villages and stole the face and the name of a monk named Musō. On his way to gift the Fuyōheki to the Infant, Naraku noticed Kikyō's Shikigami were getting close and appeared before her. Forced to leave, Naraku took the castle with him, but lost Kohaku in the process. Inuyasha attempted to kill him with the Wind Scar, but Naraku blocked with a barrier, which was far stronger than his previous one. However, Sango arrived and tossed her restored Hiraikotsu at Naraku. At the same time, his demon puppet visited Sango's Village, swallowed demons that were fighting over the shards the slayers had collected, and took the jewel shards to Naraku himself. She obtained his jewel shards, but decided to use them as a bribe to have Sesshōmaru kill him. Sesshōmaru's other sword, the Tenseiga, ended up being the only thing that could destroy Magatsuhi, who had sealed Kagome's spiritual powers. Who knows, Kikyo might could of changed Naraku for the better. 87 kg As the injuries had severely crippled him, Onigumo forms a pact with the surrounding demons attracted to his … He later created the mind-reading, Goshinki, and ordered him to attack a village to draw out the wounded Inuyasha. Upon healing her wounds inflicted by Naraku, using Midoriko's soul, Kikyo runs into Inuyasha again and reveals the secret to destroying Naraku. Naraku tricked the lost soul of the priest, Hakushin into creating a powerful, holy barrier around Mount Hakurei; this would prevent Inuyasha, Sesshōmaru and Kōga from coming after him. Type of Villain She was outlived only by her youngest "brother", Byakuya, and Naraku himself. Prologue Kagome shot Kikyō with her last sacred arrow to purify her, then Naraku used Kōga's shards to corrupt the Jewel as Kikyō planned to purify it. Naraku Get up to 50% off. As his massive body began to fall onto the village, everyone escaped from within and tried to protect the villagers. Both of them were half-demons that sought to become full demons, but Inuyasha ultimately abandoned that goal when he found being a full demon to his dislike and possible detriment, because losing his human side meant losing his human feelings. She taunted him with the knowledge that he wanted to become a full demon as he was only a half demon. InuYasha the Movie: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass,, Creating incarnations out of his own flesh. Naraku seemed to confirm this analysis as his heart turned into a spider and burrowed into his body. Collect all Shikon Jewel shards to become full demon and gain ultimate power.Kill Kikyo for good (all succeeded).Destroy Inuyasha and his friends.Remove Onigumo from his being which is the only thing that can redeem him (all failed). In the manga, Naraku had Kanna pretend that she ran away from him, hoped the Infant would take his bait, and have Mōryōmaru absorb the twin demons, Ginka and Kinka. Naraku wanted Miroku dead as well. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ShapeshiftingFlightCreating incarnations out of his own fleshBody RegenerationBody modificationMind control/manipulationCurse spellcaster [25] Upon being free, Magatsuhi attempted to kill Kohaku, and engaged Sesshōmaru in combat only to have his borrowed body destroyed. Some time after the Infant was placed in Mōryōmaru, Naraku trapped Mōryōmaru, in the form of Goryōmaru, in a cell. He used this power to stall the others from killing him so he could prepare to crash his gigantic, shōki-filled body into Kaede's Village. This is Kikyo and her daughter, Fumi- as a little kid. While highly intelligent and cunning, he became too much conceited and ostentatious at times, especially when he obtained any new power. Once he had gained more power during his state of dormancy at Mount Hakurei, Naraku's appearance changed completely. InuYasha Anime Naraku originally expected that Kikyo would use the Shikon Jewel to revive herself, but she choose to die and take the Shikon Jewel with her. Deceased His spider mark appears on his back. Kikyō later helped Hakushin see through Naraku's deception and helped him ascend to Heaven, thus breaking the barrier and allowing Naraku's foul miasma to destroy Mount Hakurei's vegetation, while demons that were kept inside escaped. Naraku became annoyed that his attack at Mount Hakurei hadn't been enough to finish her, and sent Hakudōshi out to use whatever method necessary to draw Kikyō out into the open. He bore nothing but contempt and disgust towards all other beings and considered himself superior in every aspect, which can be noted in almost all of the sarcastic remarks he made; especially towards Inuyasha and the humans, despite being a hanyō himself. However, his plan backfired when Kagura revealed the truth after Inuyasha was knocked out. Soon after, Kikyō merged souls with Midoriko, in an attempt to bring the Jewel together and defeat Naraku. Yet Kikyo is comfortable with her borrowed body which retains part of her former self, the guardian priestess of the Sacred Jewel. As she was suited for combative purposes, Kagura was often sent by Naraku to attack Inuyasha's group. As Naraku weakened, the curse on the Wind Tunnel began to break as well, and Miroku used it to absorb much of the deadly shōki. Death It was revealed the wish that Naraku had made was actually the wish of the Jewel itself: that the spirits of Naraku and Kagome would replace the Demon of the Shikon no Tama and Midoriko, and continue their battle inside the jewel for eternity. During this time, the Hitomi Clan sought out a priestess who was rumored to save even those near death to cure "Kagewaki's" illness. He gave Abi a trident that was made of his bones that could erect a barrier and create miasma, in exchange for helping collect human blood to dilute the poison of a venomous demon that Tekkei had ingested. When Miroku first mentioned Naraku, it was shown in flashbacks that Naraku once had the forms of a courtier, a young noble, an old peasant and a beautiful lady. This failed, as Miroku sucked Kaguya into his Wind Tunnel, and Inuyasha sliced Naraku to pieces. Turn Inuyasha and Kikyo against each other Only a few of the detachments truly lived up to their purposes as most betrayed him or were quickly disposed of by the people going after him. Naraku vowed to kill Kikyō the moment that he did. The Infant tried having Mōryōmaru swallow Naraku and the Shikon no Tama in order to increase his strength; however, it backfired as Naraku counter-absorbed both Mōryōmaru and him. Merger of Souls: Naraku was created when thousands of youkai devoured the deranged and perverse thief (and Kikyo's Stalker with a Crush) Onigumo and fused together. Consumed by Onigumo's jealousy, Naraku used a sword to cut the skin off of his back. The physical heart, (心臓, shinzou) he imparts to one of his incarnations, "The Infant", which rendered Naraku effectively immortal unless the Infant was destroyed. They obtained the final shard from Inuyasha's group and went after Kohaku next. Nihongo Sesshōmaru had lost his left arm in a fight with Inuyasha by that point. Naraku frequently tried to get rid of his human emotions under the belief that they only held him back. Naraku gifted her with a Mirror that was made from of his own body, which could swallow souls, reflect attacks, and become a walking voodoo doll that could copy enemy powers. Rumiko Takahashi stated in an interview that Kikyō had died around the age of 17, but this wasn't a direct statement. Naraku eventually revived a tree demon known as Yōmeiju, which had the power to break through barriers, and he subsequently devoured it. No sooner had Sesshōmaru destroyed his puppet, Naraku laughed that Sesshōmaru would come as he hated to have things that belonged to him taken away. Sesshōmaru's final sword, Bakusaiga, was the key factor in destroying Naraku's body toward the end of the series. Around that time, Naraku started to find her a nuisance. Inuyasha, sensed something was wrong, and instinctively went back to the village to retrieve the Jewel. It had three green tail-like tentacle arms coming from his back, sporting several large hoop bones leading to a red-eye on his chest, and two gauntlets with eyes at the wrist & backhand of his arms. When Tekkei had recovered from ingesting all the human blood that he had helped collect, Naraku tricked her into swallowing him whole. From then on, Sango made it her mission to destroy Naraku to avenge her people. Only those with powerful spiritual powers could see his webs, such as Kagome and Kikyō. Hakurei, Naraku referred to Sesshōmaru as "Lord", and as both shared the common tendencies of ruthlessness and lust for power, Naraku could be said to have a certain admiration of Sesshōmaru. However he couldn't control either of them. Kikyō stole the shards from Kagome and gave them to Naraku. During one of his periods of weakness, which Kagura didn't know about, she left the castle to attack Kōga, who was nearing it due to the weakened barrier. Male Naraku holds Kagome hostage to get Kohaku's jewel shard. It was dark blue with a purple vest on top. However, Inuyasha proved him wrong by bringing both himself and Sesshōmaru back. Naraku. Naraku noticed something strange at that time, Kikyō was there, and didn't so much as try fighting him, as though she was waiting for him to take Kōga and Kohaku's shards. As the series progressed, Kikyō took many different stances against Naraku, first by convincing Inuyasha that Naraku would never be able to kill her, because Onigumo's heart still beat within him. He resumed banditry after gaining an identity. Toshiyuki Morikawa Worst Crimes Name meaning When Sango first met Naraku, he had tricked her into believing that they were allies, and that Inuyasha had slaughtered the people of her village, when it was actually Naraku's doing. Hakurei to reconstruct his body again.[15]. 1447, Inside Onigumo's cave (50 years prior to begin of the main story) I saw what Naraku was feeling for Kikyo on the anime and felt sorry for him, when I realized his true wish and thought he should of been with her. Concerned that his life may be in danger if Kikyō had ever discovered the Infant, which she knew housed his heart, Naraku decided to seek out the Nulling Stone, which was in the possession of Gakusanjin. Kagome quickly discovered where he was hiding because of all the Shikon shards he had, which lead to the first confrontation between Inuyasha and himself. Inuyasha -Kikyo and Naraku by PangurBann on DeviantArt DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art. After removing the seal on Jūrōmaru, Naraku's puppet was beheaded and he gloated that nothing could stop him now. Quite possibly, Naraku didn't know Goshinki's fangs were used to create Sesshōmaru's new blade, Tōkijin. 3. Naraku retreated back to Mt. The Wind Tunnel was to be passed down to each generation, until none remained. Sesshōmaru questioned if this form was his true form. Thinking it would be a fruitless effort, Naraku quickly discovered the weapon was different now as it shattered his body along with his demonic energy. Kōga at first was deceived by Naraku, as most seemed to be, and believed that Inuyasha had slaughtered his wolf demon comrades, when, in actuality, it was Kagura who was working under Naraku's command. Episode 16 When defeated Naraku wished Kagome would be sucked up into the Shikon Jewel both as a final act of spite and because spending an eternity fighting her is the closest he'd ever get to being with Kikyo. He has increased his own demon power through Shikon Jewel shards and has become able to use higher-level techniques such as making doppelgangers.[17]. A strike from Tōkijin reduced Naraku's body to shreds. Left with no other option, Naraku returned to Mt. Noriko Hidaka who voiced Kikyō also voiced Akane Tendo in Ranma ½, another series by Rumiko Takahashi. After Kikyo's death, Kohaku joins Sesshomaru in his pursuit of Naraku, forming a close bond with Rin. The manga told us almost nothing about his life before he met the protagonists, but the anime adaptation showed him in a flashback associated with a group of roaming thieves. After the demon was weakened enough, Naraku appeared before his enemies and claimed the shard. He nearly succeeded in having her decapitated by Kohaku, but Inuyasha arrived and prevented his victory. During this time, Naraku had Kanna try sucking out Kagome's soul; however, this proved impossible due to the sheer size of it being unable to fit in the mirror. Also gives Sesshōmaru a hive of the barrier to stop him now tossed him at. Final attempt, he took Kikyō hostage in his final attempt, he his! 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