is it selfish to not want a relationship

Posted on: January 16, 2021 Posted by: Comments: 0

is it selfish to not want a relationship

The idea is not to please someone else, but to be emotionally free in a relationship, where your only responsibility is to be authentic and find common ground with your partner. The constant texting, the clinginess and especially the fact that she's dropped out of college - I think you should end it now, and explain your reasons very clearly. In case your selfish partner is exceptionally selfish in a particular week, then you should consider taking a break to focus on yourself. A relationship calls for compromise and adjustments. The simple reason for this reaction is that they are not ready to make your relationship a priority. If people are all for taking and giving nothing back, then they are selfish and will be shocked when this is pointed out to them. Maybe she'll even realize she'd be better off in college, before it's too late... if anything, SHE'S being selfish. And there is no better feeling than making someone you love feel happy. Also Read : 10 Secret Things Every Girl Does But Will Never Admit . “It is self-centered to not make an attempt to communicate when you are hurt or angry at your partner. If it is selfish to choose to be on your own, it depends a lot on your personal expectations of what relationships should be like. I like spending time with her, but i like having my own time more, or even just spending time with my friends. Now! Conscious relationships allow us to grow as we go. We resist this notion that it is our role to please a partner. Not selfish. She will be fine. You have other priorities and you're not ready to deal with babies, which is fine and normal. In the workplace, that may be very difficult to broach when your colleague has been selfish in demanding help and giving nothing back. making it official or exclusive) they’re quick to tense up or are rendered speechless. However, more and more marriages and relationships face the same problem—the problem of a selfish wife or a selfish husband. However, I feel that she is seriously holding me back from enjoying my life. And it’s definitely not a bad thing. Anyways, recently after a big fight, i just couldn't stand it and realized that I'm not happy being with her. It’s not selfish to prioritize your own needs over others if the act of giving is causing you more harm. In a bit of a pickle and could really use some outsiders perspective on my situation Longs story short, me and my partner have been together for 4 years our relationship is great we have a lot of fun and want to start a family together in the near future however something has come up. All you need to do is trust yourself and be honest. I hate being unproductive, and she's always complaining to me about not … She is a transformation specialist coach and author of Can You See Me Naked: Grow in a conscious relationship. But, it’s not selfish to want to be in a monogamous relationship nor is it selfish to believe that you are in one. When you attempt to initiate a conversation about the relation (e.g. This is mainly because we were both truly in love, and couldn't move on. It is not selfish, but more not fare on both of you. /r/Relationships is a community built around helping people and the goal of providing a platform for interpersonal relationship advice between redditors. Your partner is noticing your behavior, and if they are smart enough, they’ll run away soon! Here you can then explain to them why taking a break from them like this is important for your wellness. Your partner needs should come first before you think about yourself. If you are doing so, you might not be fit to be with this person. what are you doing?! Perhaps their lives are successful and they are busy with no physical need for a man. A balance of powers exists in every relationship. According to them, things are always about them; which is why they will not be … However, sometimes knowingly or unknowingly, we tend to be selfish in our relationships. If you want to stop being selfish and have a healthier relationship, start by making your partner happy. She's holding me back from enjoying what i want , she doesn't respect my dreams or my goals, and just wants me to make her happy. Unless you’re in the same boat as them, and you guys want to learn and grow … This selfish man doesn’t seem to realize that every relationship is a two-way street. … Without a partner, you need to be able to do everything yourself that a partner brings to the relationship, that is, income and chores which require typical male skills and strength. No, it's not selfish. Not fare on her for having her feelings played with and not fare on you for feeling the way you do. You want to move where you want, do what you want with your weekends, not be obligated to someone else's obligations. I like spending time with her, but i like having my own time more, or even just spending time with my friends. It has nothing to do with you, as a selfish person will never take your needs into consideration. I can't help but feel that she's holding me back because she just wants to spend time with me day in day out. My biggest struggles with self-care, selfishness, and not knowing how to find that balance have come in relationships. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the relationships community. And that's fine. We never ask a question unless we are ready to answer it. Selfishness is like any other bad habit, and so, it has to be broken. So, it is practically impossible for you to always be responsible whenever something goes downhill. Only you can answer that question. Yes we loved each other but sometimes you just don't work anymore for so many reasons. If your partner is always belittling or nagging you, chances are they make you feel worthless. It's not selfish, it's just showing you're finally starting to let go and look for something new. That’s all that matters. You can't help what the heart wants brother. * Adelé Green provides answers here when posted on or confidential, fee-for-service individual coaching via Skype. a dynamic like this is unsustainable. For months, I wasn't strong enough to remove him, even though deep down I knew having him with me was wrong. However, she called my selfish because i only care about myself and not her, that i'm willing to break her heart for my own happiness, which is entirely true. While I had finally found out what it meant to be independent and self-reliant, we were at a really horrible point in the relationship and he eventually said that he couldn't be able to continue the relationship any longer. For many people who are committed to a personal development path, there comes a time when they make a conscious choice to be in a relationship or not. You will be fine. You have these feelings for a reason. This was the exact reason why me and my boyfriend broke up. They need to learn to be fit, do their laundry, cook, clean, manage finances, manage their careers, manage relationships, manage their feelings, manage their parents etc..all by themselves. Once my relationship with this selfish person ended, I surprisingly felt relief when I walked away from his apartment, almost like I just had a tapeworm extracted. she doesn't understand. If you're not happy in your relationship or you know what you need to be happy, taking the initiative to get what you want is a good thing. All of us can be selfish at times, especially when we want something badly. a healthy, well rounded individual isn't dependent on another person to provide them with happiness, they're able to find it within themselves. Because that's something that you don't hear that often. Just because you care about someone doesn't mean you owe your life to them. When you hide things from your partner, you do not … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you don't, neither of you would be happy. Basically she's sooooooo unmotivated with her life because her life goal was to find a good, caring, succesful husband and she found that guy (sorry for being a tad obnoxious), while for me, my goal is to be the very best i can. This might be the hint they needed to … Going from the title alone, relationships should be 100% consensual. If you want to build a strong relationship, then prepare your mind to tell him everything. You are allowed to live your own life. Nope. This is a terrible thing to do to someone you love. Everyone faces difficulty accepting that they were wrong. she's just a child. Good luck bro. Anytime i was busy or away, she'd text me about how sad or lonely or bored she is. doesn't matter if you give everything up. Why? Now she always wants to stay at home to watch movies and play starcraft/diablo with me, while i've lost all interest in anything that is counter-productive. If your spouse fights on anything, you have to face and convince him. But if your selfish streak is less of an occasional occurrence and more of a behavioral trait, that’s something you need to pay attention to. YOUR goals in life. You could say that within the last 6 months, i found myself, and i really want to live the world with no regrets. If your partner never specifies that they don’t want … if she's bored or lonely, when you aren't there, why isn't she finding other things to do, or other people to hang out with? No, if it's what you want, it's what you want. Nevertheless, I want you to be aware that your spouse is perfectly aware of his mistakes. People in selfish relationships are no different than their selfish partners. Your Partner Makes You Feel Worthless. Without a partner, life certainly can be easier on the emotions, but it lacks other normal human needs. ARE YOU ready to discover emotion-free relationships? I am always her source of entertainment or happiness, even when i'm super busy with my own life. on the flip side, she's still 18. i don't know her, so it's hard to say, but it sounds like she still has some growing to do. ? A lot of self … For many people who are committed to a personal development path, there comes a time when they make a conscious choice to be in a relationship or not. If your partner is selfish, they may have more to work on than you do, but a relationship is a partnership. No, everyone is selfish to some extent. Dating someone with kids is not for everybody, when you date a parent you're also "dating" their child. If you can fill those roles in a different way, the biggest challenge is to “feel loved”. They think that they are needed more than they need you. Believe me, when you strive to make your partner smile, you will feel your heart lighten a little. Probably the main reason why you were back together is because you missed each other and the company you had. all she cares about is being happy with you. Both your values are important. It's hard getting out of a relationship that long and essentially starting afresh and having a whole new pattern to your life. She's being immature and selfish by trying to bully you/blackmail you back into a relationship. A partnership motivates us to be mindful of another person’s values with each decision that we make. If you focus on making yourself happy and becoming content, you are ready to raise the bar and allow a partner to challenge you just a tad more. Any healthy relationship has to have a near perfect balance. To consciously help you answer your own question, I will mention a few. I give you props for knowing what your goals, dreams and desires are in life and doing your best to pursue them. Our nature to nurture gives us this warped idea that we must put others first. This may make it sound hopeless but it’s not! While I am in a very difficult program in a prestigous college and working my ass off to get good internships. Honestly, this was more of a vent, but i would love to hear your opinion. Barth says that dealing consistently with someone is selfish … A selfish wife is one who only looks after her own needs and is interested in her own life. 6. Response 1 of 20: Ladies. However, I feel that she is seriously holding me back from enjoying my life. Is it Okay to be Selfish in a Relationship? While wanting to put your own needs first is not always bad, it can be devastating if you’re always being selfish in a relationship and it can hurt your partner. Unexpected moments occur when they realise that something is missing, like when they are alone in a beautiful place with no one to share the experience with. The truth is that no one can really love another before you learn to love yourself. you obviously have different goals and desires in life, and this feeling of unhappiness is just going to persist. What is selfish is to lay on the guilt, cajole, pressure, nag etc. as long as she's with you. TL;DR Girlfriend just wants to spend alone time with me everyday, I have goals and dreams to be the best I can and feels that she's holding me back. One who rarely takes her husband’s … Not selfish. 3. They just refuse to believe that they did not see what their significant other was like before. Am i selfish for not wanting a relationship? Now i just feel like shit and it's 2:30am and i can't sleep. or use that time to develop her own interests or talents? It’s selfish to expect for someone to do something just because you want them to. That isn't selfish. A happy relationship hinges on a perfect balance, and even a slight change … Honestly, you need to limit your contact with this girl for awhile so you don't fall back into the same cycle a before. It can be lonely at times, but work, kids and my relationship with myself just seem so much better without someone else to please. Values are based on which considerations a person thinks are important. Press J to jump to the feed. Just broke up with my girlfriend of 3.5 years (Currently 21M, 18F). And then you have this feeling that your girlfriend really does not care about all this – because the most she cares for is herself. Of course not, you're both incredibly young for starters, and as you say, it was a rocky relationship. In a relationship, you should not hide anything from your partner, no matter what happens. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Oh the most annoying thing is that she was so reliant on me to give her happiness. You don’t need to make men “better”. Relationships should be about being together. Most of the time if you say you're single, people jump at the chance to set you up with their boyfriend's friend's housemate who is reaaaaally goodlooking, I swear. Ironically, often the accomplishments which made them successful prevent them from prioritising a partner. He just doesn’t care enough about you to admit them. My guess is you have your answer. And something that I want even more than to be with someone else, is to be content.”. Put your partner first: Relationship means you are spending time with a person with whom you plan to see your future with and if this is the case, learn to love that person wholeheartedly. It may hurt her to hear that she's too needy and stifling now, but in the long run it'll be good for her to get the wake-up call. Unfortunately, the traits of selfish people are not easy to notice. Little do they know that some people just don't want to be set up. After a few days of not hearing from you, they will try to find out if there’s something wrong. She is 18. Set up some boundaries with her about contact, maybe no calls/text/facebook, whatever is going to work to keep you two out of each others way. All of the general aspects of the relationship was fine, except for that fact that as we grew up, we realized that we were two really different people. As much as it can suck to end things, every relationship is a learning experience to the next chapter in your life. Below, therapists and other relationship experts share seven signs the person you’re seeing is too self-centered for a long-term relationship. For a long time he would take what I not-so-jokingly termed “3-5 business … If you can successfully do this and it seems like she's ready to be just friends, maybe give it a go, but for now I'd cut contact. She dropped out of college and is working part time as a waitress until Fall comes. But a relationship with a selfish person means that they extract your love and affections, without giving back in return. The concept: “Happy wife, happy life!” (or its opposite). All rights reserved, Please visit the official Government information portal for Coronavirus by clicking HERE. Most of the time, they are people pleasers and hide their dark side very well. YOUR dreams. It is not selfish. Another thing that might signal that you are being selfish in your relationship is that when you don’t feel as if your needs and wants are being met, you try to cope by bringing your partner down. According to most marriage advice, selflessness is a crucial part of every healthy relationship and good marriage. It is more respectful to end a relationship that isn't working, than to string someone along for longer than they need to be. This week’s question comes from Roxy in Bedfordview: “Is it selfish to not want a relationship with someone to keep oneself sane and with less drama? Set higher standards, and expect more. In highschool, we had the exact same interests, loved to go to parties, and loved to play games. You need to do what's right for you. It was a very unstable relationship and we had a few big breakups, but we always ended up back together. Hi all! Being selfish is all about 'I' and not 'we,' which is what a relationship is built upon. Best thing to do is to tell her how you feel and say it would be best if you ended the relationship. putting all the pressure on you to make her happy is drastically unfair, and unless she's able to mature, there's no point to being in a relationship with her. This goes for personal and work relationships. "It's normal and natural to not want to spend as much time with someone who is self-centered and a poor listener," she says. Let her know that you care for her but just not in the way she would want you too. I’ve written about being the breadwinner, and being taken advantage of as such, and I know logically that its okay to be a little selfish in a relationship. I’m going to show you how to bring out the man you want to date from the selfish man in front of you. My first long relationship (3 years, I was between 16-19yrs during it) sounds just like this and I think what held me back from getting out of that relationship because we were so used to each other's company. 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