impact of celebrity endorsement

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impact of celebrity endorsement

It encompasses the formation of business management, commerce and consumer transaction. Kumar (2010) studied all the seven celebrity attributes provided in the earlier four models: source credibility consisting of trustworthiness (1) and expertise (2); source attractiveness consisting of similarity (3), familiarity (4), and likeability (5); product match-up (6) and meaning transfer (7). Product endorsement on Slovak TV: Generation Y’s recall of celebrity e... Friedman, H. H., Termini, S., Washington, R. (, Goldsmith, R. E., Lafferty, B. Celebrity endorsement business has become a multi-million industry in India. Find out about Lean Library here, If you have access to journal via a society or associations, read the instructions below. Similarity and trustworthiness were at 2.96 and 2.72, respectively. Most of the celebrities identified by the consumers were endorsing durable products. celebrities has been adopted by various advertising agencies and is used in the advertisement of products and services. In the words of Silvera and Austad (2004), celebrities are those people who enjoy public recognition among a large group of people and possess distinctive qualities like attractiveness and trustworthiness. Consumers also find celebrity endorsements more attractive and influential as compared to non-celebrity endorsements. Some society journals require you to create a personal profile, then activate your society account, You are adding the following journals to your email alerts, Did you struggle to get access to this article? Hence, the results of this study indicate that companies must select only those celebrities who are likely to create high creditability in the minds of consumers. With respect to a consumer belonging in the income group of above ₹60,000, the probability of his/her being an opposer of celebrity endorsement decreases by 15.66 per cent as compared to a consumer belonging to the income group of less than ₹20,000. In this modern age of marketing, celebrity may also be an animated character like Fred Flintstone or an animal (Miciak & Shanklin, 1994). However, in the recent years the celebrity endorsement highly influences […] Tripp et al.19 investigated the effects of multiple product endorsement by celebrities on customers' attitudes and intentions. They were also asked to identify the product category (durable and non-durable) that gets preference because of celebrity endorsement when it comes to purchasing. Login failed. Only a few consumers opined that celebrity endorsement is not at all influential (24%). This has been outlined as the major reasons for increase in persuasiveness of celebrities, which in turn has resulted in an increase in their demand by corporations to endorse their respective brands. If you have the appropriate software installed, you can download article citation data to the citation manager of your choice. The model suggests that attractive celebrities, especially attractive female celebrities, are more effective at endorsing beauty products, which are believed to enhance one’s attractiveness (Kamins, 1990). I have read and accept the terms and conditions, View permissions information for this article. This research paper focused on the impact celebrity endorsement has on consumer buying behavior towards beauty soaps particularly in Karachi city. This means that if a consumer belongs to the age group 18–30, the probability of his/her being an opposer of celebrity endorsement is increased by 26.6 per cent as compared to those belonging to the age group of up to 18 years. INTRODUCTION. Expertise is considered to be the least important attribute as its mean value was lower than other attributes, at only 2.31, which indicates that the level of knowledge, skill or expertise of any celebrity identified by the consumers based on their experience with respect to any product or service endorsed is normally not so high and consumers are least bothered about these attributes when it comes to celebrity endorsement and purchase intentions. If in any business, party borrows money from the bank or from any other financial institution. 5472 words (22 pages) Essay. Impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behavior | Singh, Savisca | ISBN: 9786139912360 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. In all the three cases, youngsters in the age group of 18–30 formed the majority group. H2: There is no significant impact of celebrity attributes (expertise, trustworthiness, similarity, familiarity, likeability, match-up and meaning transfer) on purchase intention. Marketers endorsed celebrities with their products and brands in the advertisement to increase their sales and change the perception of the viewer’s regarding their brand, which positively impacts … Multiple product endorsement also has a negative impact on customers' purchasing intentions. Everything said and done, one have to weigh the potential risks vs. the potential rewards as celebrity endorsements are always a high-risk, high-reward situation and there is always a human element that you might not know about. This paper focuses on examining the perception of Indian consumers … View or download all content the institution has subscribed to. It was found that most of the studies were carried out in North America (45%), followed by Europe (23%) and Asia (21%), but very few on India and especially no detailed study on Goa. There are various laws, which describe how the commerce should be taken care with the compliance, privacy laws, safety laws, foods and drugs law. Consumers generally have the impression that celebrities are a trustworthy source of information (Goldsmith, Lafferty, & Newell, 2000). IMPACT OF CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR AND SALES VOLUME OF AN ORGANIZATION (A CASE STUDY OF PAMPERS) Click here to Get this Complete Project Chapter 1-5. Results also show that among the seven celebrity attributes, only five (similarity, 0.417**; familiarity, 0.568**; likeability, 0.483**; match-up, 0.437**; and meaning transfer, 0.592**) have a significant correlation (moderate to average degree of positive correlation) when it comes to purchase intention, which means that expertise (0.133) and trustworthiness (0.110) do not have any significant relation (very low degree of positive correlation). I. With respect to age (χ2 = 13.198, p = 0.040), customers falling under the age group of less than 30 years are found to be supporters to celebrity endorsement than those under the age group of above 30. Celebrity Endorsement refers to a marketing strategy whose purpose is to use one or multiple celebrities to advertise a specific product or service. With respect to the attractiveness of an advertisement, majority of the consumers opined that celebrity endorsed advertisement (87%) were more attractive than those not endorsed by a celebrity (13%). 1.1 Background to the Study. Celebrities are considered to bring attention towards a particular advertisement due to their likeability and attractiveness (Erdogan, Baker, & Tagg, 2001). If celebrity endorsement was unacceptable to them, they could identify themselves as opposers. Erschienen am Sign in here to access free tools such as favourites and alerts, or to access personal subscriptions, If you have access to journal content via a university, library or employer, sign in here, Research off-campus without worrying about access issues. Skilled in Public Speaking, Customer Service, Microsoft Office, Social Media, and Research. These two statistically insignificant celebrity attributes (expertise 0.877 > 0.05 and trustworthiness 0.167 > 0.05) lead to the conclusion that consumers are fully aware that the celebrities do not have expertise on the product they endorse and they do not believe in what the celebrities say about the product when it comes to purchasing a product. Thus, the present study considers three attributes of celebrity The scale used for celebrity attributes in earlier studies was either a 7-point semantic differential scale (Renton, 2006) or a 5-point Likert scale (Renton, 2009). Familiar, likeable and/or similar sources are seen as more attractive and persuasive (Ohanian, 1990). Celebrity endorsement business has become a multi-million industry in India. Savisca Singh - Experienced candidate with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. They also opined that recognizing and recalling celebrity endorsement is easy, which allows them to take purchase decisions without much difficulty. The reliability of the statements connecting the seven celebrity attributes showed a Cronbach’s alpha (α) of 0.770, while the three statements of purchase intentions showed only 0.538. The result is as follows: meaning transfer (34.7%), familiarity (31.9%), likeability (22.9%), match-up (18.6%) and similarity (16.9%). Contact us if you experience any difficulty logging in. They were asked to name the celebrities, recollecting from the advertisements they have seen earlier, and this information was used to create the list of celebrities (Table 1). For more information view the SAGE Journals Sharing page. Table 6. Es werden nur Cookies gesetzt die für die Verwendung der Webseite notwendig sind. It may lead to making the consumer a potential buyer and sometimes they actually buy the product/service. Celebrity endorsement is made up of four main pillars that are credibility, attractiveness, product matchup and lastly meaning transfer. The impact of celebrity endorsement is said to be based on 10 criteria, with the greater the score of the celebrity in each criteria, the greater the impact on sales and purchase intention. Three more aspects were also included in this part: first, respondents’ attitude towards celebrity endorsement, categorizing them into supporters/neutral/opposers; second, understanding their level of knowledge about the type of celebrity (film or sports); and third, the type of product that is preferred because of celebrity endorsements. In order to be effective, a celebrity endorser should have the credibility to attract attention (Miciak & Shanklin, 1994), increase awareness about the endorsed product and influence the purchase decision of the targeted audience (Ohanian, 1990). Celebrity endorsement business is a billion-dollar industry today (Kambitsis, Harahousou, Theodorakis, & Chatzibeis, 2002). In the third part, multiple regression analysis was carried out to assess the most and the least influential celebrity attributes. Part B was aimed at understanding the seven celebrity attributes that influence the buying behaviour of consumers, along with their purchase intentions. CHAPTER ONE. Celebrity endorsement usually impacts the feelings of the customers and the position they have regarding the advertisement and the brand. By continuing to browse If you have access to a journal via a society or association membership, please browse to your society journal, select an article to view, and follow the instructions in this box. celebrity endorsement can give a brand a touch of glamour. Subhash, K. B., Kamat, K., Scaglione, M., D’Mello, C., Weiermair, K. (Forthcoming. of the impact of celebrity endorsement remains under the purview of gray spectacles, this paper is an effort to analyze the impact of celebrity endorsements on brand. The survey questionnaire consisted of three parts. Many studies in India applied these models (either individually or in combination) and found that, in general, there are seven celebrity attributes responsible for the change in purchase intention. Third, when the consumers were asked to recollect the names of the celebrities from film and sports fields who influenced them in purchasing a product or service, they identified (see Table 4) more male celebrities (13 names) than female celebrities (9 names). In this multi-logit analysis, the three clusters, that is, supporter, neutral and oppose, were taken as dependent variable, demographic characteristics being the independent variable. Expertise is the extent to which a communicator is perceived to be a source of valid assertions (Hovland et al., 1953). Participants were asked to rate the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with the seven statements related to the seven celebrity attributes and also their purchase intention on a 5-point Likert’s scale (1 for strongly disagree and 5 for strongly agree). 2.3. The two demographic characteristics which do not show any influence on consumers attitude towards celebrity endorsement are education (χ2 = 3.559, p = 0.736) and location (χ2 = 1.803, p > 0.05). 2.2 Celebrity endorsement The below passage is from a Journal of marketing & communication –A study on the impact of celebrity endorsement by Jayant Sonwalker, Manohar Kapse & Anuradha Pathak. Meaning transfer is another critical attribute and McCracken (1989) explains that a celebrity would be effective only if clarity is achieved by the meanings consumers associate with the endorser, which are eventually transferred to the brand. With respect to the occupation of the consumers, probability of a businessperson being a supporter of celebrity endorsement decreases by 33 per cent as compared to students; whereas, the probability of a businessperson being an opposer of celebrity endorsement increases by 55.8 per cent as compared to students. Quality and price of the product are main factors behind any purchase. All the 15 members responded, stating that the questions asked were relevant and clear with respect to the objective of the survey. Marketers use celebrity endorsers to influence the purchase decision of consumers in order to increase their sales and extend their market shares. It is concluded that celebrities endorsed advertisements are more attractive than the non-endorsed advertisements. Both male and female respondents supported celebrity endorsements. the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Descriptive statistics result (see Table 5) was used to find out which of the seven celebrity attributes highly influenced the purchase intention of the consumers. 1.3 Research Questions: Following research questions are meant to be solved during the research study: • Does the policy of celebrity endorsement imply positive impact on the promotion policy adopted by Indian fashion brands? Students (χ2 = 16.387, p = 0.012) show more supportive attitude towards celebrity endorsement than other categories of occupation. In the book Contemporary Ideas and Research in Marketing , researchers found that 85% of people surveyed said that celebrity endorsements enhanced their confidence in and preference for a product, but only 15% said that celebrities had an impact on their … The survey was based on convenience sample of about 200 respondents in and around the state of Goa, of which 171 responded (response rate of 86%). Of the total 22 celebrities identified by Goan consumers (see Table 4), majority are from the film industry (11 male and 7 female celebrities) than from sports (only 2 male and 2 female celebrities), which is similar to the all-India trend (see Table 1) of complete dominance of film personalities (6 male and 1 female celebrities) in the advertising industry, except for the sport cricket (3 male celebrities). This being the case, way back from the late-19th century onwards, marketers around the world started using celebrities (first from the film industry and then from sports) to endorse their products to capture the consumer base (Roy, 2006). The model used was: where PI is purchase intention, EX is expertise, TW is trustworthiness, SM is similarity, FM is familiarity, LK is likeability, MU is match-up and MT is meaning transfer. Celebrity is a person involved with film industry, television, sports, politics, business, or who is an artist or a person from the military (McCracken, 1989). To understand and assess the impact of the seven celebrity endorsement attributes, that is, trustworthiness, expertise, similarity, familiarity, likeability, product match-up and meaning transfer on consumer purchase intentions, statistical measures like descriptive statistics and correlation and regression analysis are used. The impact of physically attractive models on advertising evaluations, Communicator physical attractiveness and persuasion, Impact of celebrity endorsement in advertising on brand image among Chinese adolescents, Product effect on endorser image: The potential for reverse image transfer, The impact of celebrity endorsed TV commercials on demographic dynamics of attitude: An Indian context, Selecting celebrity endorsers: The practitioner’s perspective, the International Conference on Communications, Media, Technology and Design, The effectiveness of advertisements utilizing four types of endorsers, The impact of corporate credibility and celebrity credibility on consumer reaction to advertisements and brands, Impact of celebrity endorsements on consumers purchase intentions: A study of Indian consumers, Sports advertising in print media: The case of 2000 Olympic games, Celebrity and non-celebrity advertising in a two sided context, An investigation into the ‘match-up’ hypothesis in celebrity advertising: When beauty may be only skin deep, Two-sided versus one-sided celebrity endorsements: The impact on advertising effectiveness and credibility, Effects of human models on perceived product quality, Celebrity endorsements and its impact on consumer buying behaviour, Who is the celebrity endorser? Celebrity Endorsement is a way to get the brand noticed amidst the rush that is there in the market place. This section also includes a part where consumers are asked to identify whether they will be influenced by any negative publicity of the celebrity while making purchase decisions. RQ 1b: Is it possible to predict the effect of demographic variables displayed by consumer categories (supporters/neutral/opposers) on the issue of celebrity endorsement? The regression results (adjusted r2) reveal that two attributes have low variability explanation, that is, only 1.2 per cent of purchase intention variability is explained by the attribute of expertise, whereas only 0.6 per cent of purchase intention variability is explained in case of trustworthiness. Second, we wanted to see the possibility of predictability of the attitude of consumer becoming a supporter, neutral or opposer towards celebrity endorsement. H1: No significant difference exists between attitudes towards celebrity endorsement (supporters/neutral/ opposers) with respect to age, gender, education, occupation, location and income level. Though this is a conflicting result, it still can be taken as a decisive criterion while targeting those consumers who fall under business category, as the probability of their becoming opposer seems to be more than becoming a supporter. Only 33 per cent of the respondents either agree (11%) or strongly agree (22%) with the statement and around 23 per cent are undecided or neutral. Marketers use celebrity endorsers to influence the purchase decision of consumers in order to increase their sales and extend their market shares. Celebrity endorsements are now common place in the advertising world. The present study analysed around 262 research papers published during the period 1959–2015, collected through a detailed search carried out using various sources such as Emerald Full Text, Elsevier, JSTOR, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Oxford University Press, SSRN and Google Scholar. Swift’s endorsement serves as a proxy for that lack of a familiar face, Fine says. You can if the measurement is sales, according to a study published by the Journal of Advertising Research. This article offers inputs for different stakeholders, especially academic institutions, marketers, marketing agencies, academicians, government and NGOs working in the region under study. Business law and commercial law are the two laws that deal with the business and commercial transactions. Pakistan is a country where people would love and proud to follow or copy or be look like their favorite celebrities. Celebrity endorser is an individual who is known by the public for his or her achievements in areas other than that of the product class endorsed (H. H. Friedman & L. Friedman, 1979; Friedman, Termini, & Washington, 1976) and who uses this public recognition on the behalf of a consumer good by appearing with it in an advertisement (McCracken, 1989). It also indicates the moderate reliability of the data and the scope for future research. A multi-logt model was applied to understand the change in cluster membership with a variation in demographic factor. endorsers should be knowledgeable, Keyword: Celebrity endorsement, brand loyalty. Demographic profile also provides some insights to the attitude of the consumers; for instance, whether they will become supporters/neutral/opposers (Subhash, Kamat, Scaglione, D’Mello, & Weiermair, 2015, 2018[forthcoming]) of any policy implemented either by the government or by private players. The most preferred medium of advertisement was TV across all age groups (61%), followed with magazines, the Internet, radio and newspapers. The low income group consumers (χ2 = 17.068, p = 0.009) are inclined towards becoming supporters of celebrity endorsing than medium or high-income consumers. Abstract. Third, using basic tabulation, we tried to ascertain the type of celebrity, the most prominent celebrity and the category of product influenced by celebrity endorsements. Die große Reise eines kleinen Hundes (Ab 11 Jahren), Lesung mit Max Annas - Morduntersuchungskommission, Verlage zu Besuch - Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen, Lesung mit Bernhard Jaumann - Der Turm der blauen Pferde, Erich Pfefferlen - Besinnnliches zur Weihnachtszeit, Buchvorstellung mit Verena Lugert - Die Irren mit dem Messer, In 60 Buchhandlungen durch Europa - Torsten Woywod, Peter Dempf liest aus seinem neuen Roman - Die Brunnenmeisterin, Wolfgang Schorlau liest aus seinem neuen Roman - Die schützende Hand, Andreas Nohl liest aus Rudyard Kiplings Dschungelbuch, David Pfeifer liest aus seinem neuen Roman "Die rote Wand", Christine Fuchs - Räuchern im Rhythmus des Jahrekreises, Stadterkundung - Fotoausstellung von Jochen Eger, Anne Jacobs liest aus ihrem Buch Das Gutshaus. Companies must realize that having a celebrity in an advertisement can create a favourable impact on consumers and this, in turn, can influence them to buy the product. Can you quantify the impact of a celebrity endorsement? Celebrity Endorsement Impact on Brand. 1.An earlier version of this article was presented at the International Conference on ‘Marketing, Technology and Society’, organized by Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, Kerala, India, 29 September–1 October 2016. The impact that celebrity endorsement creates on its consumers in terms of product fit match between the product/brand and the celebrity. Marginal effects where performed to further investigate the effects of the demographic variables over the dependent variable for each group significantly different between the clusters, that is, the attitude towards celebrity endorsement (supporters/neutral/opposers). Non-durable products, on the other hand, are not considered to be highly influential, probably because such products are used by consumers for a shorter duration. Brands often rely heavily on celebrity endorsement which can become a disaster sometimes because the celebrity will either outshine the product or will … In this section, the survey results are analysed using cross tabulation with age groups, which indicates some interesting facets of the perception levels of consumers towards the celebrity, based on the medium of advertisement that influences them more. Demographic characteristics related with consumers attitude could be a useful tool for marketers. Simply select your manager software from the list below and click on download. Thus, there exists a gap and the present study tries to fill it by adding valuable knowledge and new perspectives, thereby presents possibilities for further research. Based on the observations made here, the formulated hypothesis (H1) of RQ1a is rejected with respect to age, gender, occupation and income level, with an exception of education and location. A celebrity is a means to an end, and not an end. impact of celebrity endorsements on consumers’ ad perception through a survey of 336 respondents in India. It seems that Deepika Padukone is a more popular actress than others. Index TermsCelebrity Endorsements,- Brand, purchase behavior, brand loyalty . Bücher bei Jetzt Impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behavior von Savisca Singh versandkostenfrei bestellen bei, Ihrem Bücher-Spezialisten! With respect to gender, women (68%) were more (73% among supporters, 61% among neutral, 74% among opposers). Age Profile and Perception Level of Consumers towards Celebrity Endorsement. Such endorsements can help the marketer to better understand consumer reactions towards a particular celebrity. The findings of this study provide insights for marketing and brand managers to design and market their campaigns effectively. Accordingly, the effectiveness of the message depends on these dimensions (Kumar, 2010). Theemergence of social media has drastically changed the advertising landscape andhas become an important advertising channel (Um, 2016; Knoll et al, 2017).Since celebrity endorsement has long been employed in traditional media andproved its high potential to bring positive attention to brands, it is likelyto be effective on social media (Um, 2016). Swift’s endorsement serves as a proxy for that lack of a familiar face, Fine says. Table 2. With respect to occupation, majority of the consumers (53%) were students (56% among supporters, 57% among neutral, 30% among opposers). As shown by the results in Table 3, the marginal effect for variables age, gender and income level is significant at 95 per cent level of confidence for the group of opposers. Posted by Manpreet singh June 25, 2020 Posted in celebrity endorsement Tags: celebrity endorsement What is celebrity endorsement & marketing? “People recognize her, they like her, and that enables her to send a message,” Fine says. Appropriate hypotheses were also formulated. However, the most significant aspect of the study is that Goan consumers know very well that (see Table 7, Item 5) the celebrities do not really use the products they endorse (44% of consumers said so). Develop a plan and implement celebrity marketing in India Such people evoke positive stereotypes and, as a result, physically attractive communicators are more successful at changing beliefs and attitudes (Baker & Churchill, 1977; Chaiken 1979), and generating purchasing intentions (H. H. Friedman & L. Friedman, 1979; Friedman et al., 1976; Petty, 1980; Petty et al., 1983). For the present study, a 5-point Likert’s scale was used to assess all the seven celebrity attributes. Celebrity endorser's credibility has a positive impact on ad recall. A., Newell, S. J. This was followed by match between the celebrity and the product and familiarity, with mean values of 3.17 and 3.05, respectively. 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