damara sheep characteristics

Posted on: January 16, 2021 Posted by: Comments: 0

damara sheep characteristics

It has a fairly high resistance to most sheep diseases and also good tolerance against internal parasites. Lambing weights are around 4kg to 4.5 kg. The breed is originated in Eastern-Asia and Egypt. The name Aseel or Asil or Asli are all the same chicken. It has the typical characteristics of a desert breed, namely long legs, fat tail, short hair and a respiratory rather than a cylindrical conformation. The unique genetic traits of the Damara ensure that it is a most prolific mutton-producing breed. Research has indicated that up to 64% of the diet of the Damara sheep can consist of browsing material. The sheep has a wide range of colors which are all equally acceptable and desirable. When they're in good condition, the tails are fat and wide. Twin births do occur and mothers are capable of rearing them. The name is derived from the Damara area of Namibia where the largest number of animals is found. The confiscated Damara Sheep were resettled at the Omatjenne Research Station, near Otjiwarongo, Namibia. Head. The desired covering is short glossy hair. The … They are fat-tailed, meaning they lack wool which requires shearing. On the back of the ram's head is a well developed cushion. Lambs do not accumulate fat at an early age and can therefore be marketed at a later stage and a higher body weight.Average marketing age is 7 -8 months under extensive conditions. It has the typical characteristics of a desert breed, namely long legs, fat tail, short hair and a respiratory rather than a cylindrical conformation. The Damara Sheep is a functionally efficient animal and its good performance in South Africa has created a "snow-ball" effect. Typically alert, lively, long-legged, large deep bodies, short hair varying from black, brown, white or … Their are very few Damara sheep in NZ. It drops down in the neck, rising to the withers from where it declines slightly to rise again over well-developed loins. Reference: Damara Breeder's Society, 1993. The sheep belong to one of the fat-tail breeds. --> Pigmentation in the skin is essential and is the only prescription concerning color.