alexandrian vs antiochian manuscripts

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alexandrian vs antiochian manuscripts

From Antioch we receive the pure line of manuscripts culminating in what is known as the "Received Text" or Textus Receptus. God inspired His word using men, who were not necessary holy (see below). Vaticanus is the sole property of the Vatican; it has been a part of the Vatican library since at least 1475. These differed significantly with the traditional text, and therefore were considered to be pre-revision. b.  What does God think of Alexandria?  There are only four occurrences; these are all of them: 1)  It is a place where people disputed with and killed the first Christian martyr, Stephen (Act 6:9) (First mention - negative), 2)  It is a place where bad bible teaching comes from.  Apollos was learned in the scriptures but was unsaved (knowing only the baptism of John).  Aquilla and Priscilla explained the gospel - that Jesus was the Christ - and Apollos corrected his theology.  (Acts 18:24), 3)  It is a place that leads people to bondage and death.  Our champion, the Apostle Paul, was taken to be executed in Rome (of all places - Home of the Harlot) by a ship from Alexandria.  (Acts 27:6), 4)  It is a place, God emphasizes, that leads to bondage and death.  Our champion, the Apostle Paul, after surviving a shipwreck and a snake bite, is taken to be executed in Rome, by another ship from (once again) Alexandria. TEXT AND MANUSCRIPTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. The word “holy” is clean gone from 2 Peter 1:21 in these new Bibles! They certainly wouldn’t allow anyone on their translation if they were living in sin! If you believe that the oldest manuscripts are the best, then you do not believe that God has preserved His word. (A text-type is a group of manuscripts that generally agree with each other.) The Catholic Church united Europe in Christian unity, but then the Protestants destroyed that unity by braking with Rome. Therefore, you must make a choice. 95% of ALL known New Testament manuscripts fall into the Byzantine text-type. (... God is not the author of confusion ...  I Cor 14:33). The divisions were as follows: Alexandrian (used by the famous Christian intellectual Origen); Western (Latin translations); and Eastern (used by Antiochian and Constantinopolitan churches). Origen is of course speaking of the manuscripts of his location, Alexandria, Egypt. Most Bible critics do not believe that the Bible is perfect (The Alexandrian Ideology). The Alexandrian proponents, however, believe that God inspired His word, then lost it!! var month=date.getMonth() But first of all, just to bring together in your minds some of the information which I have given to you at various times but perhaps hasn't really sort of come together in That is, rather than simply counting manuscripts to see which reading has more manuscripts on its side, scholars recognize that other factors must be considered. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but ^^holy^^ ^^men of God^^ spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. It is the text type favored by textual critics and it is the basis for modern Bible translations. Their premise is that the doctrine of the preservation of Scripture requires that the early manuscripts cannot point to the original text better than the later manuscripts can, because these early manuscripts are in the minority.Pickering also seems to embrace such a doctrine… True Christians prevailed dispute horrible persecutions, refusing to join the idolatrous Catholic Church, and being used by God to preserve the pure Bible for all generations. Alexandrian Text (or "Neutral" Text) The Alexandrian text, which Westcott and Hort called the Neutral text (a question-begging title), is usually considered to be the best text and the most faithful in preserving the original. 1. In the Gospels, the text is of the Byzantine type, but, in the… Most of what I have come … ), 6)  It is a place that God uses to denounce the city in which his two witnesses are murdered. (Acts 13:49). (Even those who prefer the Alexandrian text are forced to admit this.) Both are dated in the mid to late fourth century. 1)  In (I Kings 3:1)  Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, ignored God's commandment to avoid Egypt, and to NOT multiply horses unto himself from Egypt. If God preserved His Word, then it must be around here somewhere. So, where was the word of the Lord published - Alexandria or Antioch? Antiochenes, in addition, insisted on the historical reliability of the Bible. That is our ultimate goal for you - that every one of you obtains eternal life!. ... Antioch/Antiochian and Alexandria/Alexandrian. Alexandrian and Antiochian approaches to hermeneutics as deployed by John Chrysostom and Gregory of Nyssa as they work with the Beatitudes Typically, the view of Alexandrian and Antiochian hermeneutics has been one of dichotomy: Alexandrians were allegorical, and Antiochians were literal-historical. 1. In Acts 13, Saul becomes Paul (vs. 9) and is part of the church at Antioch. The starting point of the Alexandrian School was John 1:14 "And the Word became flesh", while that of the Antiochian was Colossians 2:9 "For in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily" Critical Remarks 1. Alexandrian Vs. Byzantine Manuscripts - posted in General Accordance Topics: Does Accordance have any resources discussing the differences of the Alexandrian and Byzantine manuscripts? Less than 8% of the over 5,000 Greek manuscripts were compared to each other by von Soden's team of collators! (Acts 28:11). Less than 8% of the over 5,000 Greek manuscripts were compared to each other by von Soden's team of collators! P46, P66). Each group has different beliefs about how God preserved His word. Manuscripts in Alexandria were corrupt by 200 AD. P46, P66). This caricature has some truth but is … A King James Bible believer accepts the Antiochian manuscripts or Textus Receptus as superior to the Alexandrian. I have been reading about the some of the controversy concerning these different manuscripts and I am looking for an objective evaluation. Its witnesses include Codices C, L, 33, the Coptic VSS, and certain Alexandrian fathers. - Jesus Christ, Matt 24:35, men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God, P.O. [] The codex contains almost a complete copy of the LXX, including the deuterocanonical books 3 and … This brings us back to where we were last Tuesday with the discussion of Christology. You’ve got to be kidding, you say. While the Christian intellectuals of Alexandria emphasized the allegorical interpretation of Scriptures and tended toward a christology that emphasized the union of the human and the divine, those in Antioch held to a more literal and occasionally typological exegesis and a christology that emphasized the distinction between the human and the divine in the person of … Today many well meaning, but "Alexandrian" educated preachers are uplifting the Antiochian Bible (King James) but with the Alexandrian conviction that it cannot be perfect. In biblical literature: Uncials. 2. If we trace the manuscripts back to their origins, there are only two sources for them - Antioch and Alexandria.  Text types that represent a time period or location are traceable back to one of two families of manuscripts - the Majority text and the Minority text - the Majority text originating in Antioch, Syria and the Minority text originating in Alexandria, Egypt. 4. The earliest forms of the Syriac are also either Western or Alexandrian. Manuscript Differences 03-John 7:53-8:11 Woman taken in Adultery; Manuscript Differences 04-1Timothy 3:16 Is it God or He? The School of Alexandria Alexandria became a famous centre of Christian thought especially in the 2 nd and 3rd centuries, especially, because of the catechetical school under Clement, Origen, Athanasius and Cyril. We encourage all to fear God and to keep his commandments by searching the scriptures daily and by being doers of the word. Antioch vs Alexandria; Bible Translations Compared; Manuscript Differences 02-Mark 16:9-20 Should it be in the Bible? Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away. (Ex 20:2), 4)  It is a place Moses calls "an iron furnace" (Deut 4:20), 5)  It is a place with which God commands his people that their future king is not to conduct any commercial trade.  He specifically warns them not to buy horses there, nor even to go that way again (Deut 17:16)  (Keep this in mind for later. 6. Were there manuscripts published in Alexandria?  Absolutely.  But they were not the words of God.  These were manuscripts generated by Origen, founder of a school of philosophy, in Alexandria, Egypt and others of like mind.  Origen is perhaps best known for his life's work - the Hexapla, a six column side by side record of the Hebrew old testament with various interpretations of it in Greek. Griesbach added the fourth-century Codex Vaticanus, as well as additional Alexandrian church fathers, to the Alexandrian text type. (vs. 1)  Paul and Barnabus are separated out from the rest "for the work whereunto I have called them", God said. These manuscripts come from Egypt and are witnesses of the Alexandrian text-type. As for the pure, preserved, inerrant Word of God, it of course was nowhere to be found, since it was perfect only in the “original manuscripts” which are long vanished. This brings us back to where we were last Tuesday with the discussion of Christology. var day_name=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") “). We also receive the ideology that the Bible is not only Divine, but perfect, without error. Is it no surprise that the fruit of their “Bibles” is not great revival but great apathy and apostasy!!! (vs2)  They preached in a number of places (nowhere near Egypt) and by verse 49 we learn the keys words, "And the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region. What were the two understandings of the incarnation that were advanced by warring factions in Antioch & Alexandria? d.  Therefore, we will refer to the two lineages based on their origins: Antioch/Antiochian and Alexandria/Alexandrian. Of the two most popular Alexandrian manuscripts, one (Vaticanus) is owned by the for more information. QUESTION: The New King James Version is based on the Antiochian manuscripts. Maybe this is why there are so many liberals, heathens, and homosexuals on these Bible translation committees! 1)  It is a place where they'll kill you and will take your wife (Gen 12:10-12) (First mention - negative), 2)  It is a place where they'll make you into slaves (Ex 1:11-14), 3)  It is a place that God, himself, calls "the house of bondage." Scholars have designated these manuscripts as Alexandrian, linking them with Alexandria, Egypt, the region responsible for early heresies such as Gnosticism and Arianism. ANSWER: No. Bible Studies for the Church and for Christian Ministries - BIBLE STUDY ON TOUGH ISSUES. God inspired the original manuscripts using holy men as His pens. ANSWER: No. (Rev 11:8). Is it an improvement over the King James Bible? 1)  It is a place - the only hometown mentioned - from which a man of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom came, and was appointed over church business (Acts 6:3-5) (First mention - positive), [Note also that the first appearance of Antioch and Alexandria occur in the same book of the bible and in the same chapter, as if God is highlighting the two options we have from which to choose.  (coincidence? EXPLANATION: The New King James Version is to the English Bible what the Alexandrian manuscripts are to Greek. Most Bible critics do not believe that the Bible is perfect (The Alexandrian Ideology). However, the earliest manuscripts that provide distinguishable readings date to about 200 AD (e.g. As a result, Antioch laid more emphasis on the earthly life and human nature of Christ, while Alexandria gave little attention to either. 4. Antioch and Alexandria are as diametrically opposed in character and in fruit as are God and Satan, as are good trees and evil trees (Matt 7:17), and as are fresh water and salt water (James 3:12).  Because the bible is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice, let's study what the bible "practice" is regarding Alexandria, Egypt and Antioch.  For each section, keep in mind the "law of first mention", a principle wherein the first mention of anything in the bible generally sets the tone for the use of that word throughout the whole bible. (footnote [a] reads “NU-Text reads but men spoke from God. Most Protestants did not realize that these new “Bibles” came from the corrupt line of manuscripts, not the preserved line. In this video, the Rev. Antiochene exegetes tended to insist more than their Alexandrian counterparts on the importance of seeing each biblical passage in its … The "Majority Text" is actually a hand-picked set of manuscripts grouped together by "pro-Alexandrian" liberal Hermann von Soden. (James1:22)  The result of such deception will be exclusion from the Kingdom of God (Matt 7:21-23 and Matt 25:8-12). What kind of preservation is this? By an Alexandrian Church father’s own admission, manuscripts in Alexandria by 200 AD were already corrupt. Manuscripts in Alexandria were corrupt by 200 AD. The Bible was translated into many languages from the preserved text, making God’s pure Word available to the masses. The name of the text type comes from Codex Alexandrinus, a manuscript of this type.. Over 5,800 New Testament manuscripts have been classified into four groups by text type. So they began cranking out Bibles translated from the new manuscripts. )], 2)  It is a place where the first great awakening of the Gentiles occurred.  The persecution following Stephens death scattered the Christians, who went preaching wherever they went.  At Antioch, they preached to the Grecians and a great number believed and turned unto the Lord (Acts 11:19-21)Â, 3)  It is a place where much people were added unto the Lord.  It is also where the people were glad, and were exhorted to purpose in their heart to cleave unto the Lord.  Barnabus was sent to Antioch and these things resulted.  (Acts 11:22-24)Â, 4)  It is the place where God established the headquarters of his New Testament church.  Barnabus sought Saul and shepherded him back to Antioch (not to Jerusalem and certainly not to Alexandria), and assembled with the church (Acts 11:25,26), 5)  It is the place where believers were first called "Christians"  (Acts 11:26)Â, 6)  It is the place to which God moved his prophets, signifying his blessing on Antioch, while the world was plagued with dearth. (Acts 11:27,28)Â, 7)  It is the place God has blessed for keeping his word.  The disciples had been told to go into all the world and to preach the gospel; but they didn't, and remained at Jerusalem.  Now, relief was needed from Antioch, where they had been faithful, to Jerusalem - which they sent at the hands of Barnabus and Saul.  (Acts 11:29,30)Â, 8) It is the place from which God sends missionaries (not from Jerusalem, and certainly not from Alexandria) Paul and Barnabus went on the first great missionary journey from Antioch (Acts 13:1-3)Â, 9) It is the place to which two envoys traveled from Jerusalem; each made a decision that had consequences.  One, (Judas) returned to Jerusalem and into oblivion; the other, (Silas) stayed in Antioch and became a tremendous missionary partner of Paul. Griesbach added the fourth-century Codex Vaticanus, as well as additional Alexandrian church fathers, to the Alexandrian text type. All copies of Scripture were banned, pure or perverted, and only church leaders were allowed to possess a copy. Every theology student used to know that before Ephesus and Chalcedon theology was torn between the ‘Antiochene’ approach which divided the two natures of Christ and read Scripture realistically, and the Christology of the Alexandrians which united the natures in the person of the Logos but tended to diminish the humanity. New versions of the Bible were produced, which were not accepted at first, but slowly grew into acceptance. if (year < 2000)year=1900+year In Biblical textual criticism, the Byzantine text-type (also called Majority Text, Traditional Text, Ecclesiastical Text, Constantinopolitan Text, Antiocheian Text, or Syrian Text) is one of several text-types of the Greek New Testament manuscripts.It is the form found in the largest number of surviving manuscripts.The New Testament text of the Orthodox Church, the Patriarchal Text, … Two of the major Alexandrian codices, Sinaiticus and Vaticanus were probably either written in Rome or Caesarea, independent of Egypt. The Alexandrian text originated in Alexandria, Egypt, which was probably the first place that the pure doctrine of Christ was perverted with false teaching. A Comparison of the Theological Schools of Alexandria and Antioch By Dcn. Vaticanus is the sole property of the Vatican; it has been a part of the Vatican library since at least 1475. (2 Pet 1:21). (Matt 7:21). "Alexandrian" is a text type, not a specific Gen 3:1), add or omit many portions (Rev 22:18), and create confusion with many contrary voices. NASB, “or because they wanted to prophesy. You don’t have to be holy to help with a Bible translation. In the 19th century, a push was made by the Vatican and some apostate Protestant scholars to declare that the perverted Roman Catholic manuscripts were superior to the God-honored preserved text. There are those who prefer the Antiochan/Byzantine text and those who prefer the Alexandrian. A corruption of a pure text by men who hold the deplorable doctrine that the Bible cannot be … The Alexandrian text-type is one of several text types found among New Testament manuscripts. Usually scholars speak of the controversy between the two schools, ignoring that they agreed on many points. Question #38. So the Alexandrians believe that you don’t have to be holy in order to work on a Bible translation! Most agree that the Byzantine text type, as a whole, is a later form of the text, while the Alexandrian text type generally represents an earlier form. On the other hand, Alexandrians believe that you don’t necessarily have to be holy to be used by God to preserve His word. The Alexandrian text originated in Alexandria, the seat of scholarly criticism of the Gr. Antioch, like Alexandria, was a renowned intellectual centre, and a distinctive school of Christian theology flourished there and in the surrounding region throughout the 4th and the first half of the 5th century. You must chose between the Antiochan or the Alexandrian text. 1. Surely they would demand that they must be holy. If you consider yourself to be a Pentecostal, Baptist, Catholic, JW, Adventist - even a life-long one - and are convinced that you are on your way to heaven, we encourage you to consider some of the biblical doctrines that we examine in these articles and videos - and be SURE that you are on your way to heaven. Only a very few manuscripts fall into the Alexandrian text-type, and these manuscripts are known to have many serious problems. In fact, this Egyptian conviction states that there cannot be a perfect Bible on … 9. In summary, the Word of God was published in all of the region around Antioch and was accepted as scripture by early believers when they received it as such (hence "Received Text").  Many fragments of these writings constitute the Majority Text which Erasmus and the King James translators used to compile God's Word.  In opposition to this move of God, Origen, Eusebius, the Catholic church, Westcott and Hort, and many others generated and continue to propagate many conflicting accounts of what God's Word says.  These deceivers bring into question passages of scripture (Yea, hath God said...? ANSWER: No. After not having the word of God for centuries, they finally found it again in the “oldest and best” Alexandrian manuscripts. The opposition between theologians centered in Antioch and those centered in Alexandria, both in their ways of interpreting Scripture and in their understandings of Christ’s person, is well known, if often somewhat exaggerated by modern scholars. A, Codex Alexandrinus, is an early-5th-century manuscript containing most of the New Testament but with lacunae (gaps) in Matthew, John, and II Corinthians, plus the inclusion of the extracanonical I and II Clement. | Today I want to talk about the theological traditions associated with Alexandria and Antioch. The Protestants ignorantly made their Bible translations from the revised manuscripts. 3. The Majority text (literally) includes approximately 99% of the 5,000+ extant manuscripts (meaning manuscripts that are in existence today).  These manuscripts include the ones used by the King James Bible translators and they have a high level of agreement with each other.  The Minority text (literally) includes the remaining less than 1% of extant manuscripts.  These manuscripts include those used by all modern versions and they have a high level of disagreement between each other (For example, Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, the two principal Alexandrian manuscripts by far, disagree with each other in over 3,000 places in the four gospels alone - see chart below). Is it an improvement over the King James Bible? But the NKJV people give the MT great prominence, writing this inaccurate information in the footnotes. The oldest New Testament manuscript fragment is P52, which dates to about 125 AD. There are two major text-types, the Byzantine/Antiochian/Majority/Universal text-type and the Alexandrian text-type. If you don’t believe that God preserved His word, you disbelieve the Bible and are calling God a liar!! When I heard a reprobate pastor (a graduate of Bob Jones College) call Dr. Hyles “a cult,” I decided I had better take a closer look at Bob Jones College. A corruption of a pure text by men who hold the deplorable doctrine that the Bible cannot be … Is it then no wonder that many of the modern translators are either apostate liberals or flat out heathens!!! (Even those who prefer the Alexandrian text are forced to admit this.) | Today I want to talk about the theological traditions associated with Alexandria and Antioch. Many Alexandrian manuscripts are from Egypt, but some are not. ), Salvation | Bible Versions | Sound Doctrine | Endtime | Other Issues | Book Reviews, Home   |   What We Believe   |   Contact Us   |   Audios   |   Videos, All Rights Reserved: Mike Wright - Berean Research Institute, web design by Centurion Digital:, var date=new Date() For the Bible-believer, this choice should be an obvious one. George Zgourides Founded in about 180 CE by Pantaenus (a former Stoic philosopher), the theological School of Alexandria in Egypt was the first-known organized Christian institution of higher learning. If you are considering buying solar electric equipment or building a website, please consider contacting us for those needs by: (Clicking on the Banners to the Right or on the links below): SHARE THIS ARTICLE WITH YOUR FRIENDS and FOLLOW, (Birthplaces of manuscript lines and a key to identifying God's Word). The oldest New Testament manuscript fragment is P52, which dates to about 125 AD. IF you believe that the scriptures were inerrant only in the “original manuscripts” then you do not believe that God has preserved His Word. But some evil men started producing their own modified version of the scriptures. But exactly which Bible is the perfect Word of God? Question #38 QUESTION: The New King James Version is based on the Antiochian manuscripts. But the NKJV people give the MT great prominence, writing this inaccurate information in the footnotes. But this will be covered in more detail in a future article. However, the earliest manuscripts that provide distinguishable readings date to about 200 AD (e.g. The opposition between theologians centered in Antioch and those centered in Alexandria, both in their ways of interpreting Scripture and in their understandings of Christ’s person, is well known, if often somewhat exaggerated by modern scholars. Scholars have designated these manuscripts as Alexandrian, linking them with Alexandria, Egypt, the region responsible for early heresies such as Gnosticism and Arianism. They usually also accept the Alexandrian manuscripts as superior to … The “Syrian” text of WH is now called the Byzantine, or Antiochian. And modern Bibles do not come from the Alexandrian text, they come from an eclectic text. This is NOT preservation! ?  Not likely.  (Acts 15:23-27)Â, 10) It is the place from which the second great missionary journey began, (not from Jerusalem and certainly not from Alexandria), with Paul and Silas as the missionaries.  (Acts 15:40,41). In order to find the perfect Bible, it is necessary to determine which manuscript text-type is the preserved line. 3)  The result was, that his heart was turned away from God (I Kings 11:3,4), he began worshipping other god's (I Kings 11:5-9) and God pronounced judgment on him (I Kings 11:9-43), 5. So here's the pertinent question.  What is the bible practice?  If God holds these opinions of Alexandria and Egypt, and he commands his people to not even buy horses from there, then how likely is it that he would want us to get a BIBLE from there?  Conversely, would he recommend a BIBLE from Antioch, where "the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region."? The fourth volume contains the New Testament with 31 leaves lost. Here is a brief overview. They wrote what He inspired them to.These manuscripts were faithfully copied and translated by other holy men. a.  The Differences Between Sinaiticus and Vaticanus in the Four Gospels:Â. b. Modern translators have sub-divided the two families into Alexandrian, Western, Caesarean, and Byzantine categories, but this division obscures the fact that only two origins exist.  The first three categories originate from Alexandria and the latter from Antioch; c.  Other names given to the Majority text include: the Antiochian text, Byzantine text, Traditional text, Apostolic text, the Eastern text and the Textus Receptus (Latin for Received Text). 2. A corruption of a pure text by men who hold the deplorable doctrine that the Bible cannot be … The divisions were as follows: Alexandrian (used by the famous Christian intellectual Origen); Western (Latin translations); and Eastern (used by Antiochian and Constantinopolitan churches). These manuscripts come from Egypt and are witnesses of the Alexandrian text-type. 10. But this issue involves much more than just determining which book to read, which bible is the Word of God - a bible from Antioch or one from Alexandria.  It involves a crucial matter of the heart - which attitude one should have towards the Word of God - the attitude of believers in Antioch who "cleave" to the Word of God, or the attitude of unbelievers in Alexandria who questioned, changed, corrected, added to, and deleted from, the Word of God. The theology of the Alexandrian school was influenced by the Platonic traditions of Philosophy. var day=date.getDay() Now we have to give the New King James some credit, they do leave the word holy in the text,but casting doubt on it with a footnote: “for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God[a] spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.”   NKJV If the question includes the Old Testament that would need to be looked at as a separate question. In a carefully documented study, Metzger points out that the Gothic version is “the oldest representative of the…Antiochian [i.e., Byzantine] type of text.” 36 When was this version produced? Every theology student used to know that before Ephesus and Chalcedon theology was torn between the ‘Antiochene’ approach which divided the two natures of Christ and read Scripture realistically, and the Christology of the Alexandrians which united the natures in the person of the Logos but tended to diminish the humanity. The Protestant Reformation ended the Dark Ages as multitudes fled from Rome to the pure gospel of Jesus Christ. The Roman Catholic Church arose, making the perverted Scripture the official Bible of Catholicism. classics. In Acts 13, Saul becomes Paul (vs. 9) and is part of the church at Antioch. They usually also accept the Alexandrian manuscripts as superior to those of Antioch. In contrast to the Alexandrian hermeneutics, Antiochene interpretation is approaches the text in three categories namely, literal, historical and linguistic. In the mid 1800’s, a glorious discovery was made. EXPLANATION: The New King James Version is to the English Bible what the Alexandrian manuscripts are to Greek. The Founder of BRI also owns two businesses that may be a help to you. But some did realize it, and when they attempted to warn others, were ostracized and declared divisive. You must chose between the Antiochan or the Alexandrian family of texts James1:22 ) the of! 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Syrian ” text of WH is now called the Byzantine text-type were not holy. Rapids, MI 49518 USA, http: // % 7Emaranath/OLDBEST.HTM for more.... Kidding, you say Egypt, but some are not manuscripts are the best, then it must be here. P52, which dates to about 200 AD ( e.g oldest Version, it..., without error then, that is our ultimate goal for you - every! Their “ Bibles ” came from the revised manuscripts understanding which text is the New! Usually also accept the Alexandrian manuscripts are to Greek they certainly wouldn t... Manuscripts back to where we were last Tuesday with the discussion of Christology and to keep His by! The sole property of the Eastern church during the period before us its witnesses include C. Oldest New Testament manuscripts constitutes the history of the major Alexandrian Codices, Sinaiticus and Vaticanus were either... All to fear God and to keep His commandments by searching the scriptures modern Bibles do not believe the....   I Cor 14:33 ) the Pharaoh 's daughter anyway surprise that the Bible produced... Their own modified Version of the scriptures daily and by being doers of the over 5,000 manuscripts... Of their “ Bibles ” is clean gone from 2 Peter 1:21 in these New!! Be covered in more detail in a future article my words shall not pass away line... Of manuscripts that provide distinguishable readings date to about 125 AD predated the revised text the Protestants destroyed that by! A liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Two of the major Alexandrian Codices, Sinaiticus and Vaticanus were probably either written in Rome Caesarea... That you don ’ t have to be holy to help with a Bible.! Must be around here somewhere sole property of the Alexandrian hermeneutics, Antiochene interpretation is the. Official Bible of Catholicism popular Alexandrian manuscripts are to Greek considered to be holy to help with Bible... The sole property of the modern translators are either apostate liberals or flat out heathens!!!. It an improvement over the King James Version is to the pure gospel Jesus! Only church leaders were allowed to possess a copy volume contains the New King James is... To possess a copy surely they would demand that they agreed on many points believer accepts the Antiochian manuscripts 's. The holy Spirit who moved the prophets to speak from God. ” NLT 200! God a liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!...:  Antioch/Antiochian and Alexandria/Alexandrian the theological schools of thought and centers of constitutes! Be kidding, you say others, were ostracized and declared divisive Ideology that the fruit of “! To be kidding, you disbelieve the Bible doeth the will of my father which is in heaven AD! Be in the mid to late fourth century 2 Peter 1:21 in these alexandrian vs antiochian manuscripts “ ”... Began cranking out Bibles translated from the corrupt line of manuscripts that generally agree with each other von...

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